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Reuse old Suitcases - Vintage love - The Clothspring. Bare stone walls in the bathroom. What do you think of some rustic harshness in your bathroom? Bare stone walls work just fine with sleek concrete surfaces, creating a space that radiates an organic uniqueness I simply can't say no. Actually, it is the use of both antiquated and modern techniques that makes this style so appealing, and, taking it from photo no 3, adding a vintage piece like the large gilded mirror, a log and a few wicker baskets, or, like photo no 4, a stark, frameless mirror and inox fixtures, you can fine tune the atmosphere from total country chic to contemporary elegance.

So, is bare stone something you'd opt for? Mismatched. Mismatched chairs around the dining table certainly isn't anything new but it's a design trend I really admire. And with so many chairs available at yard sales for cheap, it's an easy way to add great style and personality to your table without the extra cost...

I really like this top grouping of chairs. Most appear to be the same chair but are covered in different vintage fabrics. So after you find your set of chairs at a local thrift store or Habitat for Humanity, put the money towards great fabrics and some upholstery. Finding the same chair but in different colors is a sweet idea, as well as painting them to match the overall color scheme of the room. Sometimes we find that perfect chair in a store that we can't stop staring at. I like this outdoor scene as it feels so Southern to me...relaxed, carefree, eclectic and charming. 35 Amazing Uses For Old Pallets.

Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Crafty (35 Pics) Click Here For More Amazing Ideas. Cool Finds: My Love For Brick Walls… Exposed! The space where I teach my childbirth education classes is absolutely gorgeous. The most stunning feature is a completely redone, exposed brick wall that spans the entire length of the room and I and just giddy to be near it. Despite the fact that it’s not a currently dished about trend, I think there’s something to be said for the classic staying power of the exposed brick wall.

I don’t think it’ll ever get boring and I doubt my tastes will ever change. Delicious! Here are a few examples that make me ultra happy: I’m practically twitching with the urge to tear down some plaster. Have you even uncovered an exposed brick wall? [ad#large-rectangle-adsense] How To Turn Old Books Into New Furniture. Bespoken Art - Art that Speaks Volumes.

Overhead-wall-bookshelves.jpg (468×600) Straight Line Designs - Unique Furniture - Vancouver, Canada - StumbleUpon. Bedroom Decorating Ideas: Yellow Fever - iVillage - StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon.