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100 Years of Architectural Drawing by Neal Bingham chronicles a lost art. Courtesy of Laurence King Publishing Modern architectural drawing is usually computer-generated. The resulting hyper-realistic digital renderings often trick the eye and make it difficult to discern the imagined from the real. Courtesy of Laurence King Publishing But throughout the 20th century, architects more often used pen and pencil sketches, drawings, paintings, collage, and other media to create more poetic vision statements for proposed structures. 100 Years of Architectural Drawing—a recently published book by Neil Bingham, a design and architecture historian who is the consulting curator of architectural drawings at the Royal Academy of Arts, London—highlights 300 architectural drawings from the 20th century that illustrate the evolution of the form.

“In this survey of architectural drawings, we can trace the historical visual narrative of 20th century architecture in design and draughtmanship,” Bingham writes. Archizoo, illustrazioni di animali fatti di architettura by Federico BabinaGreenBuillding Magazine. Come in una Pareidolia architettonica, Federico Babina si è divertito a cercare e riconoscere il profilo di animali nelle forme architettoniche. Un esercizio di creatività e fantasia semplice ed efficace che sviluppa un “pensiero elastico”. Il pensiero pensa e l’immaginazione vede. “Quando ero bambino – commenta lo stesso Babina – volevo essere architetto e adesso che sono architetto mi piacerebbe a volte tornare bambino. La nostra mente è capace di raccogliere registrare e archiviare milioni di immagini. Una cosa che sempre mi interessa è l’associazione che siamo in grado di fare tra queste immagini. Le informazioni che raccogliamo con l’esperienza aumentano la conoscenza ma alcune volte sembrano inibire la fantasia e limitare la libertà immaginativa.

“Ho cercato di non inviare al cervello l’informazione razionale – continua l’autore – perché riconosca attraverso la conoscenza ma lasciarlo libero di cercare una associazione istintiva. (photo @Federico Babina) Illustrazioni architetto. Amministrazione Cantonale: errore durante l'accesso all'applicativo. A Geometric House On A Greek Island By decaArchitecture. Located on the coast of Milos Island in Greece, ‘Voronoi’s Corrals‘ is a geometric house created by Greek architecture studio decaArchitecture.

According to the architects, the geometric structure of the residence was not only planned with the slopy terrain in mind, but also with the natural elements unique to its location such as the position of the sun, direction of the wind as well as indigenous plants. Additionally, a pool offers panoramic views of the sea. On the concept behind it, the studio says: “During our research we found that a third of the plot has been plowed and cultivated at least for over 60 years. Besides the extensive planting we did, we also engaged with the idea of the rural productivity of the land by employing mechanical strategies that give the project as much infrastructural independence to support its leisure activities without burdening the environment excessively.”

All images © Stale Eriksen.


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