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Unlock the True Potential of Vegetables. 3 Homemade Popcorn Seasonings - Food Matters. If last-minute guests darken your doorstep, don’t panic—just make popcorn! I am NOT talking about microwave popcorn; I'm talking about the real deal, popped in a pan, which takes about 5 minutes to make and tastes 50 million times—maybe 100 million times—better. When you're done, you have a bowlful of fragrant crunchiness ready to be tarted up for a party (or plopped in front of the TV with a glass of wine in the form of dinner). When I was a kid, we were butter-and-salt purists, preferring plenty of both. Don't get me wrong—browned butter with sea salt to this day makes up 80 percent of my popcorn consumption.

I make it for my son's friends, I set it out at our pool for swim parties, I make a batch after a night out with the girls. But it's great fun, and almost as easy, to play around a bit with creative flavor combinations, which are both addictive and gorgeous, and tend to blow guests away for very little effort. Below are a few ideas to get you going. And have fun! Pin by Hannah Gallagher on Clean Eating. 10 Supermarket Products You Can Make At Home — Self Sufficiency Magazine. 14 Slow Cooker Freezer Meals In 90 Minutes. With 14 different recipes which serve 3-4 adults you’ll be able to stock up your freezer and feed the whole family…that’s 2 weeks of dinners for less than $100! By spending just 90 minutes one afternoon making these meals then popping them in the freezer you’ll free up your evenings to just relax while the crock pot does all your cooking.

For the full list of recipes visit hre… Included in this life changing eBook are: 105+ Natural Home Remedies -treat almost any illness with natural ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen. 75+ Natural Beauty Recipes - Get the best hair and skin you've ever had and look younger with these insanely clever natural beauty recipes. 35+ DIY Household Products & Cleaners -Ã�àNever buy a toxic cleaning product again! Save a fortune AND your families health with these super simple homemade cleaning products that work BETTER than store bought! Weekday Raw. If you're looking to make raw food a natural part of your everyday life, the Weekday Raw course will show you exactly how to make quick, simple, and irresistible raw meals... every day of the week.

Once you sign up, you'll immediately have access to all the Weekday Raw recipes, "how-to" tutorial videos, step-by-step instructions, printable PDFs and materials, and the complete curriculum. With that comes lifetime access to the site, new content as we add it, and culinary advice in our membership portal. The sooner that you start this course, the sooner that you'll transform your health by adding more sexy, delicious, and simple raw food into your life... even during your busiest weeks. Facebook. Healthy snaks. SRI LANKA CURRY RICE. Homemade Peanut Butter. Once you make peanut butter at home, it will be very difficult to get excited about storebought peanut butter ever again. Not that eating peanut butter of any kind would ever be a chore because I love it so, but homemade peanut butter is a delicacy.

And a nearly effortless delicacy at that. It’s akin to savoring a piece of high-end dark chocolate that’s rich and pure, uncomplicated by fillers, additives, or ingredients that have no place being in chocolate; and then grabbing a milk chocolate bar in the checkout line at the grocery store, which is likely a combination of tasteless, grainy, and waxy. Apples and oranges. Once you have something amazing, it’s hard to get excited about any less than.

That’s this peanut butter. Sure, all peanut butter is good, and some is better than others, but this is in its own league. It’s similar in taste to store-bought varieties of “natural” peanut butter. Honestly, there’s not that much to store. And it calls my name. Find a food processor and a spoon. Print. Timeline Photos - Velvet d'Amour Official Fan Page. Love Your Liver Herbal Coffee | Delicious Obsessions. We all want to love our livers, right? I mean, they are a really important organ! This love your liver herbal coffee is not only delicious, but it helps support healthy liver function. Some of you may remember awhile back when I shared my recipe for cinnamon vanilla herbal coffee. I love that stuff. I drink it hot, iced, and frozen. But, as I’ve continued to expand my herbal research and work on giving my liver and digestion as much support as possible as I work on healing my gut, I have developed a new recipe that I want to share today.

I call this my “happy liver herbal coffee“. But, why does it make my liver happy? Because of the herbs that are in it! There are four herbs that go into this coffee: chicory root, dandelion root, milk thistle seeds, and burdock root. Chicory Root Chicory is related to the dandelion. Chicory is high in vitamin C and also has the highest concentration of inulin of any other plant containing inulin. Dandelion Root Milk Thistle Seeds According to Mountain Rose Herbs: Cauliflower "Rice" in 1 Minute.