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Paper Art by Yulia Brodskaya. Yulia Brodskaya est une artiste russe vivant en Angleterre. Cette talentueuse créatrice nous propose de découvrir des compositions typographiques faîtes de papier. Très détaillées, ses oeuvres ont fait d’elle une artiste aujourd’hui prisée par de nombreux annonceurs à travers le monde. Plus dans la suite. Extraordinary. 35 Funny Illustrations by Tiago Hoisel - with Exclusive Interview. Today we have the special honor to discuss about digital art and painting with Tiago Hoisel. Besides the great collection of humorous illustrations that he has provided for us, Tiago also gives precious advice and shares interesting information in the below exclusive interview.

Amazing creativity, detail and fun are the perfect words to describe his artwork. The humor and realism are perfectly combined to depict real life situations or imaginary scenarios meant to make the viewer laugh and want more! Q: Howdy Tiago! Welcome to community. Please tell us a few words about yourself. A: My name is Tiago Hoisel, I’m graduated in graphic design in Universidade do Estado da Bahia. “Chico Bento” Q: Your illustrations are so funny and expressive! A: I always liked humor and realism, so when I started to draw I tried to bring these two thing to my work.

“Teenager” Q: What software do you use and which is the feature you couldn’t live without, of that particular software? “Maria!” Saci Axl. Pictogram music posters. Brief: Create artworks incorporating Ray-Ban Aviators, to be published on Ray-Ban's official Facebook page. These pictogram portraits were a part of Ray-Ban's 'Aviator Family' campaign (#AviatorFamily). Graphic Design2014 Client: Ray-BanBrief: Create artworks that somehow depict iconic people and famous characters that have been wearing Ray-Ban Aviators.

The portraits were to be displayed in the Sunglass Hut store in Covent Garden, London, from March to April 2014. Artworks by Viktor Hertz © 2014 Photos by Ray-Ban © 2014Advertising, Graphic Design, Illustration2014 Official poster for Uppsala International Short Film Festival 2013. My contribution to the "Mind Blowing Color Competition".Digital Imaging, Graphic Design2010. Speed painting - just one in a thousand. Underlined Book Quotes Become Clever Illustrations. Bookworm or not, you can't help but enjoy these black and white illustrations of literary quotes by Evan Robertson.

The New York-based graphic designer has taken some of the cleverest lines written by famous authors such as William Faulkner and Oscar Wilde and turned them into wonderful posters. These literature-inspired fine art illustrations are currently being sold on Etsy under the name Obvious State. Robertson would see a "little jewel of a sentence" and he'd underline it. Then, he would take those "snippets of text and ideas" and "let the words be a springboard for an illustration. " As he told Huffington Post, "The illustrations incorporate and interact with the text and hopefully add up to something that engages the mind as much as the eye. " Here are 12 of our favorites. May these timeless words inspire you today and always. Update: Check out more clever illustrations in Part II of this story. Obvious State on Etsy via [Quipsologies], [Huffington Post] Johnny Yanok - Hello! CGPortfolio -Tiago Hoisel. This is the latest illustration made for the same big bad wolf’;s and the Shark’s advertiving campaign .

This was a very nice job to do. In these works I have had much help from the staff here at the studio. You may know a little more of my work that I’m developing here besides the work of other illustrators of the studio as Lucas Leibholz, Pedro Conti and Diego Maia at the link: blog: - StumbleUpon. Lackadaisy.