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Art + Culture. Efeitos Especiais - Tutorials. Shuftan process. Schüfftan process. Introduction[edit] Schüfftan placed a plate of glass at a 45-degree angle between the camera and the miniature buildings.

Schüfftan process

He used the camera's viewfinder to trace an outline of the area into which the actors would later be inserted onto the glass. This outline was transferred onto a mirror and all the reflective surface that fell outside the outline was removed, leaving transparent glass. When the mirror was placed in the same position as the original plate of glass, the reflective part blocked a portion of the miniature building behind it and also reflected the stage behind the camera. The actors were placed several meters away from the mirror so that when they were reflected in the mirror, they would appear at the right size. In the same movie, Schüfftan used a variation of this process so that the miniature set (or drawing) was shown on the reflective part of the mirror and the actors were filmed through the transparent part.

See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Botswana agate beads,pink,red,gray botswana agate gemstone beads Wholesale beads,gemstone beads,quartz,agate beads,coral,turquoise beads - Wholesale gemstone beads,agate beads,amethyst beads,jade,coral beads. Homepage.


Entertainment. Food. Free Music Archive. ReadyMade 100 Project Manual. Dear makers. Sweet crafters. Hello all you pastel-lovers with too many vintage lightbulbs and an obsession with screwdrivers. The fine folks at ReadyMade--perhaps the most Brooklyn of magazines being published in Iowa--have just held a contest to celebrate 100 ingenious and beautiful DIY projects submitted to their host of savvy judges.

But as it happens, 100 great design projects is 75 design projects too many to fit into the pages of their beautiful monthly magazine. With that in mind Andrew Wagner, editor of ReadyMade, turned to us and our new Espresso Book Machine. We're proud to offer this supplement to Readymade Magazine, the Readymade 100 Project Manual. The ReadyMade 100 Project Manual is $15.00 in our store, $20.00 shipped. Because the ReadyMade 100 is printed just for you, please allow an extra 3-5 business days for your order to ship. Dimensions: 0in. × 0in. × 0in. Still Light. Cool Copper Projects Warm metallic hues are easy to love but often pricey.

Still Light

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Pool Lights - Waveglow Floating Pool Light - 980010B

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'Web Cam 101 For Seniors' Turns Oregon Oldsters Into YouTube Celebrities

Bruce Huffman, 86, and his wife, Esther, 79, of the Hillside Retirement Community in McMinnville, recently purchased their first laptop computer –- an aqua colored beauty with a built-in webcam. Late last month, the couple sat down together and tried to figure out how to make a video with the webcam, something a granddaughter had painstakingly attempted to teach Esther a few days beforehand. "I was trying to figure out how to do the videos and didn't know the thing was actually running," Esther told The Huffington Post. "All the while, Bruce was kind of amusing himself because he was bored. He was being quite an actor. " The nearly three minute video captures Bruce making funny faces, singing, burping and at one point, during a moment of levity, he got a little flirtatious with his wife. Brand - University of South Florida. Color Palettes - University of South Florida.


House. Pearltrees videos. Help.