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Did Social Media Kill The Press Release? Social media has fundamentally altered the way companies need to think about public relations in order to drive their messages. This paradigm shift has changed the way we define influencers and, more importantly, has transformed the way we reach them. Everybody has an audience with Facebook, Twitter, blogs and the countless digital platforms out there. Moreover, all of these influencers and advocates are far more reachable as they build an online presence.

So what do PR pros need to do in order to take advantage of the evolving communications landscape? Build relationships through social media: - Follow the journalists and key advocates that you care about on Twitter, their blogs, Facebook etc. . - Generic emails with a press release attached are being ignored more and more. . - Blog, Tweet and publish to social media on your own. . - By investing in relationships you can spend less on paid impressions and utilize earned media connections. Test a message before it hits “the wire”:

Red Foundry – Mobile Made Easy - Red Foundry is a complete solution for building and managing mobile apps. Type-a-file. Museo SlabMuseo Sans Below you’ll find some text marked up with the core elements of Type-a-file.


View the source code to find out how to use them on your own site. This element, for example is called a “kicker.” It’s paragraph text that introduces the rest of the text. It’s useful for outlining your topic & looks killer. The Typographic Basics You’ll often want to caption photos. Paragraphs are the core building block of typography online. It’s different than a sidebar because its content are directly related to the main content at left. I’ve set it up here as a div which contains h1s for titles, as well as paragraphs. About Favicon Generator. What are favicons?

About Favicon Generator

Favicons are small 16x16 icon files that are displayed next to the URL of your site in a browser's address bar. Additionally they're often displayed next to the name of your site in a user's list of open tabs and bookmark listings making it easier for the user to quickly identify amongst other sites. What does this tool do? Using a favicon After generating a favicon with this tool download and save to the root directory of your site. Hotlinking (Inline Linking) We don't provide hosting of favicons from our servers. About Us This tool is run by Project Fondue which consists of Stuart Colville, Cyril Doussin and Ed Eliot.

BranchOut sur Facebook. First Look: “Hands On” With Google+ I’ve been manically playing with Google Plus for about an hour now and, while there is disagreement here among the editorial team at Search Engine Land, I give it a qualified “thumbs up.”

First Look: “Hands On” With Google+

At first glance many people will dismiss Google Plus as redundant and derivative of Twitter and Facebook, in particular. This was also true of the ill-fated Buzz. But this is a much better and more thoughtfully designed product than Buzz. Familiar UI but Takes Getting Used To Accordingly the interface is familiar and relatively intuitive but Google Plus still takes some “getting used to.” Google’s radically different product Google Wave crashed and burned because people didn’t really know what it was or how to use it. I’m not going to attempt a comprehensive feature tour.

Better than Buzz As I said, out of the gate it’s a much stronger product than Buzz ever was/is (Buzz is integrated as a tab here.) 960 Grid System. Capture your world in 3D.