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QR Code Generator - create QR Code [business card, t-shirt, mug, sticker] - Zint Barcode Generator. Desktop QR Code Reader | dansl. What are QR Codes? : A QR code is a lot like a barcode you see on most products. QR codes are a great way to share information like websites and contact info. They can be scanned using your camera equipped device and a proper QR code processing app (For Android, I use the Barcode Scanner App, and on iPhone I use QR Reader for iPhone.) Once the code is scanned and processed, it takes you directly to the URL on your device, or shows you whatever else was encoded in the QR code. I love the ease ability of QR codes, just a quick scan, and the content is on your device. For Example, there is a great plug-in for Google Chrome called QR-Code Tag (For Firefox there’s Mobile Barcode) which lets you generate a QR code for the site you are currently viewing.

This is super handy if your reading an article, and need to take it on the go. Note: I have moved all the info and download links for QRreader to. PHP QR Code - Browse Files.