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Simulation and Analysis

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Polantis - 3D Catalog technology - Free CAD objects for architects. Danny Holten - Public Personal Pages. Dr. ir. Danny H. R. Holten Dept. of Math. and Computer Science, Visualization Group Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Den Dolech 2, Room HG 7.15 PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)40 247 4344 E-mail: danny.holten<insert "@" here> d.h.r.holten<insert "@" here> Announcement: I can no longer be contacted at my old e-mail address, since as of April 2011, I am CTO at SynerScope BV, a visualization-inspired TU/e spin-off company that leverages my PhD research for "Big Data" analysis.

I can henceforth be reached at danny.holten<insert "@" here> News: On 10 June 2010, I received the TU/e Doctoral Project Award (part of the TU/e Academic Awards 2010; video) for the best PhD dissertation at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in 2009. Biography I am currently CTO at SynerScope BV (see announcement above). Research My latest research was part of the Expression of Interest project. ExTraVis - EXecution TRAce VISualizer Publications. Fab@Home - Make Anything | Fab@Home. CyArk. Anar+ Bldgsim. Blog : volatile prototypes. The Nottingham Caves Survey Homepage. Octane Render - The Interactive Physically Based Render Engine. Vvvv - a multipurpose toolkit.

CFD Online - Links - Software. Software related to CFD. This section is a mix of real links and meta links. Only particularly interesting things are linked directly. If you want a more comprehensive overview you should follow the meta links. To suggest a link to be included in this section please use the online link suggestion form. Contents: Fluid Dynamics CFD-Wiki Codes Page A list of free and commercial codes.

MGNet Code Repository Multigrid related software packages. Downloadable Software, Aerodynamics and Design A collection of programs for analysis and design of wings etc. Public Domain Aeronautical Software Sells a CD with a collection of public domain aeronautical programs. Selected Codes Below follows a list of free CFD codes. OpenFOAM OpenFOAM is a general purpose open-source CFD code. The Stanford University Unstructured (SU2) suite is an open-source collection of software tools written in C++ for solving PDE's and performing optimization problems.

Code_Saturn FEniCS Gerris Flow Solver Palabos Overture Clawpack OpenFVM. GenerativeComponents.