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‪Nassim Haramein on synchronicity‬‏ Synchronicity Times - Synchronicity Questions and Answers. Mystic Life is an author on personal and spiritual growth who enjoys sharing concepts from spirituality and psychology that help increase well-being. His books, articles and videos can be found The following is an interview on the topic of synchronicity between Mystic Life and a freelance journalist... In your opinion, why do synchronistic experiences happen? What, exactly, is going on here? I believe that our species is at an exciting point in its spiritual evolution.

Carl Jung, who was a pioneer in the integration of psychology and spirituality, understood that there were external events guiding us towards greater self-awareness, and coined the term "synchronicity" to describe these events. The key to accessing synchronicity, as with all spiritual wisdom, is to be receptive. Are there actions we should be taking when a synchronicity happens? It is important to approach a synchronistic event with an open mind. Be aware of "Ego Testing" synchronicity.

Yes, it does. Yes. Synchronicity Times - Four Types of Synchronicity. Mystic Life is an author on personal and spiritual growth who enjoys sharing concepts from spirituality and psychology that help increase well-being. His books, articles and videos can be found It has become clear to me that although synchronicity may be described in terms of a specific type of event, there are subcategories that it is useful to explore and understand. I have labeled these forms of synchronicity (synch) as Predictive, Guiding, Reflective, and Ego Testing. 1. PS is a form of synch that diminishes the ego's grasp on reality. 2. GS is a subset of Predictive Synchronicity. 3.

The two previous types of synch I mentioned both relate to future events. 4. ETS is a form of synch which I believe much of that which has previously been written about synch does not address. The four types of synch listed above are, of course, interrelated and you can find situations in which more than one definition applies. Synchronicity. Synchronicity Gears of Time and Illusion Law of Attraction and Manifestation - Meaningful Coincidences - "The Secret" How the Hologram Works To understand how synchronicities work is the understand the nature of reality. It is in fact a computer generated hologram in which characters and events created are programmed experiences that on this level of consciousness are perceived of as real.

It's all science and math set in linear time to experience emotions. The hologram in physical reality follows the numeric codes of the fibonacci sequence or golden ratio. Synchronicities bring people to Crystalinks ... which takes them on all sorts of journeys into awareness. Synchronicities are preprogrammed experiences that occur when one's DNA is programmed for a specific event in time. ... Today's journeys seem to be all about healing and energy.

Synchronicities are patterns that repeat in time. Synchronicities may simply occur just to make a point. Examples of Synchronicity Thursday June 25, 2015 Dr. Synchronicity Times - Personal Stories. Here is a collection of stories that help personalize the experience of synchronicity. Halifax...Again! I looked up this website after a strange event which happened to me yesterday. I had no intention of writing to you until I read the very first story on your "Personal Stories" page, which begins "I had come back from Halifax, Nova Scotia... " Okay, my story begins... My wife and I drove into Halifax, Nova Scotia to visit a friend in the hospital, and stopped to do a little shopping first. At the bookstore, while my wife was paying for her purchase, I picked up a book about Great Moments in Television. Apartment Hunting I had comeback from Halifax, Nova Scotia to move home to Toronto. “Oh the pet might make a mess on the floor.” “She’s a cat, she’s litter trained.”

“Oh no. I pleaded with her, if she would only meet me; she almost reconsidered but turned me down. Gavin was from Winnipeg and was 11 years older than me. The following day I met Mary. Melanie - Toronto, Canada Now - If... C.M.' Synchronicity Times Online Magazine - Synchronistic Reflections.