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Spiderwebs In Trees: Pakistan Floods Cause Incredible Phenomenon (PHOTOS) What's going on in these pictures is incredible.

Spiderwebs In Trees: Pakistan Floods Cause Incredible Phenomenon (PHOTOS)

It seems that the waters from last year's floods in Pakistan forced millions of spiders into these trees, creating these impressive images, according to the UK Department For International Development (DFID). Apparently the water took so long to recede that the spiders eventually turned the trees into cocoons. While the DFID has been doing its part to help the flood survivors recover, including providing clean drinking water, medical support, and food, the spiders seem to be doing their part as well. Dimijian Images mossy leaf-tailed gecko. The Mysterious Moeraki Boulders. If you go down to Koekohe beach in New Zealand you can be sure of a big surprise.

The Mysterious Moeraki Boulders

In front of you, scattered like enormous marbles from some long abandoned game between giants, are hundreds of giant spherical rocks. Or are they the egg shells of sea-born dragons? The Moeraki boulders present us with a mystery – what are they and how on earth did they get there? 10 More Terrifying and Mysterious Creatures. Mysteries Here are ten of the most terrifying and bizarre creatures to ever, allegedly, have walked the Earth.

10 More Terrifying and Mysterious Creatures

These creatures defy logic, inspire the imagination and generate fear. They are the subject of numerous movies, documentaries, books and even songs.