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Bitlash. Electronics, 3d printing, hacking, etc. If you buy a cheap USBasp V2.0 ICSP programmer on eBay, chances are, avrdude will give you the following warning message: avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update.

electronics, 3d printing, hacking, etc

While it’s just a benign warning message which can be ignored with no ill effects, it’s still a constant irritant. Portable installation guide of Arduino IDE v1.6.5 for ESP 8266. Compiling for ATtiny84 - ‘Serial’ was not declared in this scope - JeeLabs Café. Well, it's been 3 years, and from time to time I get the same error, as in the title of this thread, probably every time a new IDE version comes along.

Compiling for ATtiny84 - ‘Serial’ was not declared in this scope - JeeLabs Café

I have spent quite some time recently trying to correct my setup, and then trying to find any setup that will compile ATtiny84 code without a problem. The Jeelib installation I was using until now started having problems, even with the 1.5.5 version of the IDE. E.g. Codebender. Top 40 Arduino Projects of the Web. PID-steering-code. Arduino’s Servo Library: Angles, Microseconds, and “Optional” Command Parameters. Autonomous car – navigation. As part of my autonomous car project ( I need to make the car turn towards its destination.

Autonomous car – navigation

This is a picture of a PLC reading the current location using a GPS and calculating the bearing (the direction from the current location to the destination) and distance between the current location and the destination. For more details, Autonomous car – steering & acceleration. As part of my autonomous car project ( I need to control the RC car’s steering and acceleration.

Autonomous car – steering & acceleration

Here is a video of an Arduino Uno performing this function: To take control of the car’s steering and acceleration, I needed to understand the signals currently used to control the car and figure out how to emulate them with a micro-controller. For more details, MMC/SD Card and FAT Tutorial. On my old website, the article “MMC/SD Card and FAT Tutorial” was really popular (it still holds almost top ranking on Google).

MMC/SD Card and FAT Tutorial

However, the information there is so old that most of it is obsolete. Elm-Chan’s FatFs library has been updated many times since then, rendering some of the old webpage I wrote obsolete. But I will put up some of the old content here so you may still see it. Arduino BlueTooth HC-06. Android et arduino. De Wikidebrouillard.

Android et arduino

Article incomplet en cours de rédaction Présentation de l'expérience Vous venez de réaliser les tutoriels d'arduino, et vous etes à la recherche d'un nouveau "truc" à faire avec cette petite carte. Dans cette page, nous vous proposons de connecter votre arduino à un téléphone android. Ainsi votre carte favorite aura acces à votre téléphone, donc aux SMS, au GPS, aux capteurs Acceleromètres etc ... et surtout aux services Web. Control your motors with L293D. *********************************************************************************************** update 26/4/09 *********************************************************************************************** My 1st instructable :)

Control your motors with L293D

Blog Archive » 4×4 RGB LED Charlie Cube: How To. Wiring Correction Updates!!

Blog Archive » 4×4 RGB LED Charlie Cube: How To

Have Finally arrived!! Full walk through tutorial.. After the break.. What is it? Charliecube is a programmable Full Color 4x4x4 LED Cube. The Build.

Floppy cnc

6050. ST 7735. ELM 327. Datalogger. Online graphing and data analysis. Visualize your projects. Realize your dreams. SIM900. Pixy (CMUcam5): a fast, easy-to-use vision sensor by Charmed Labs and Carnegie Mellon. "This is the single most important robotics product since the Arduino.

Pixy (CMUcam5): a fast, easy-to-use vision sensor by Charmed Labs and Carnegie Mellon

" Ted Macy, Contributing Editor, Robot Magazine "Charmed Labs is bringing the eventual robot uprising one step closer with their camera sensor. " Chris-Rachael Oseland, Austin Post "This vision sensor could be the future eyes of robots. "

Capteur ultrason

Robot 2WD. LinuxTTY. Interfacing...


Arduino and Linux TTY Elliott Kipp/edk4971 posted in the forums on how to configure a Linux TTY with the correct parity, baud, etc to talk to Arduino. Unable to use Ethernet library. Report forwarded to, Scott Howard <>:Bug#684748; Package arduino. (Mon, 13 Aug 2012 14:45:04 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available. Acknowledgement sent to Marco Righi <>: New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to Scott Howard <>. (Mon, 13 Aug 2012 14:45:04 GMT) Full text and rfc822 format available. Arduino troubleshooting. Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It is intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. More information is available on the Arduino HomePage. Installation. Arduino Ethernet and RFM12B. Projects. Introduction A lot of us have an old desktop computer we don't want anymore and it's good to re-use components.

You'll find in each standard sized desktop, an ATX power supply. It's a standardized form factor for AC-to-DC power conversion with +3, +5, +12, and sometimes -5 and -12 VDC rails. Seeed-Studio/Ultrathin_LED_Matrix.