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Eclectic Recipes & Baked Zucchini Chips. Healthy Baked Chicken Nuggets | Ginas Skinny Recipes - StumbleUpon. Chunks of all white meat chicken breasts coated in breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese then baked until golden. An easy chicken recipe your whole family will love. What can be more kid friendly than chicken nuggets, even the pickiest kids like them.

Serve them with ketchup, bbq sauce or whatever you like to dip your nuggets into. Adults can serve them over your favorite salad for a satisfying lunch. Kids love finger foods or anything you can eat with toothpicks so when my daughter was young I would make her a dish of bite sized goodies she liked such as tomatoes, olives, pasta, etc. and served them with toothpicks and she always cleaned her plate! Once I'm in breading mode I usually make breaded zucchini sticks as well and bake them all at the same time along with some pasta and a salad for a complete meal.

Double these for more or make half for less servings. Ingredients: Preheat oven to 425°. Put the olive oil in one bowl and the breadcrumbs, panko and parmesan cheese in another. Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries | - StumbleUpon. Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries These cheesecake stuffed strawberries are the perfect dessert treat! Can I just say that I have died and gone to heaven.

Cheesecake stuffed strawberries….how have I not made these before?! I’m serious. They are amazing! Making up the filling was a breeze too. Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries Yield: 10 - 12 strawberries (depending on size) Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 0 minutes Total Time: 15 minutes Ingredients: 1 pound large strawberries 8 ounce block cream cheese – softened 3 – 4 tablespoons powdered sugar (depends on how sweet you want the filling) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or use almond, lemon, etc. ) Graham cracker crumbs Source: Inspired by pictures seen on Pinterest Directions: Rinse strawberries and cut around the top of the strawberry. Combine cream cheese, powdered sugar and vanilla with a mixer or by hand.

You could also drizzle or dip strawberries in chocolate if desired. Enjoy!!! Nom nom.