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World Language Cafe - Engaging lesson plans to spice up your World Language classroom. Creative Language Learning Podcast. The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast. A Plethora of Projects & Practical Pursuits. On this page you’ll find links to selected wikis I have created in collaboration with colleagues for a variety of different audiences and purposes.

A Plethora of Projects & Practical Pursuits

BYU Spanish Teachers Workshop – A collection of materials presented at BYU’s annual workshops for Spanish teachers Click to Collaborate – A collection of resources that students and teachers can use for personal productivity, professional collaboration, and creative self-expression Creativity by Design – A wiki designed to assist teachers in applying principles of creativity and design to curriculum development Elementary Explorations – Resources designed to assist elementary teachers in infusing technology into their work with students in pedagogically sound ways. INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOKS. Interactive notebooks are a note-taking method I plan to utilize in my classroom.


Students create their own interactive notebook out of a composition notebook. Tabs are added to create sections, and students fill in the contents of the notebook throughout the year. In general, students take notes (teacher input) on the right-hand page, and personalize the information on the left-hand side of the page. At the end of the year, they will have created a comprehensive record of their classroom experience. CREATIVE LANGUAGE CLASS. ANGELA WATSON. TEACH 4 THE HEART. Cult of Pedagogy. BRYCE HEDSTROM. TESTIMONIALS Here is what teachers are saying about Bryce’s presentations, keynote addresses and materials These are the documents that were shared with administrators in the two day track I facilitated at the National TPRS conference in San Antonio.


Anyone involved in teaching or supporting world languag instruction will find these documents helpful in explaining and defending TPRS. Research Supporting TPRS in One Place This is a web site from Kirstin Plante of The C.I. Bookshop and TPRS Academy in the Netherlands. TEACHING CHANNEL VIDEOS.