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How to Get a Complete Workout with Nothing But Your Body. The best workout songs and playlists for your running pace. High-Intensity Circuit Routine: Mens - StumbleUpon. Exercise-high intensity workouts-interval training. Interval Training - Kickstart your Metabolism and Kick your Ass in 20 Minutes. I have a confession to make.

Interval Training - Kickstart your Metabolism and Kick your Ass in 20 Minutes

Unlike this awesome dog here, I’m not a fan of running. I used to run cross country in high school, and I’ve tried to get excited about running about a dozen times since then. After reading Born to Run, a fantastic book, about running, I even had myself convinced that I was going to LOVE running. Every time I get started, about ten minutes into my run, I just get bored as hell! Sayonara, Cellulite! Map your running routes. Plan routes before, or create route maps in real-time using iPhone and GPS.

Slim Down in 8 Weeks - 8-Week Slim-Down Challenge – Everyday Health. Ready to begin the Everyday Health-ExerciseTV 8-week slim-down challenge?

Slim Down in 8 Weeks - 8-Week Slim-Down Challenge – Everyday Health

Here's how to get started today. We've divided the 8-week slim-down workout plan into weekly segments that get more challenging as you go, but there's flexibility in the plan so you can adapt it to your own schedule and needs. We recommend that you start slowly and build your strength as you master each step on the way to your goal of slimming down and getting fit. If you follow the program closely, you could lose up to two pounds per week! Each week’s workout schedule incorporates six days of training, including cardio (run on the treadmill, walk outdoors, pop in a kickboxing video — choose a cardio activity that suits you), a yoga and Pilates workout, and step-by-step circuit training, complete with fat-blasting cardio moves, total body conditioning, and strength training to help tone those trouble spots — hips, thighs, butt, biceps, triceps. Rock My Run - The Best Running Music in the World.

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