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Pentagon Debris | ANC Report. How we KNOW an airliner did NOT hit the Pentagon. September 23, 2010 By Craig McKee The government and the media have told us that a Boeing 757 airliner hit the Pentagon at nearly 9:38 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001. But we know it didn’t. For the Pentagon to have been hit at by the allegedly hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, the laws of physics would have to have been repealed. Admittedly, it wouldn’t be the only time that this appears to have happened that day. I believe that any reasonable person who is willing to look at the evidence (photo and otherwise) will have to conclude that there was not enough damage to the Pentagon for it to have been hit by a Boeing 757.

Not enough damage to the building but apparently enough to vaporize the plane. There are many elements of the official Flight 77 story that need to be picked apart. According to Boeing’s own web site, the 757 is 155 feet, 3 inches long. Flight 77 took off from Washington Dulles International Airport near Washington D.C. bound for Los Angeles at 8:20 a.m. – 10 minutes late. Former Pentagon staffer: absence of engines, tail, wings show no 757 crashed at the Pentagon on 9/11. The Pentagon lawn shows no sign of a 757 impact with the building. By John O’Malley (Special to Truth and Shadows) At the Pentagon on 9/11, the plane did not fit the hole, there was no wreckage of a large plane outside the hole, and the lawn that should have been dug up by the engines was pristine.

How stupid do they think we are? My view of what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11 is influenced by my background in aerospace and the fact that I used to work in the very part of the building that was destroyed. The first thing that is important to know is that security in the Pentagon is exceptionally tight. If an actual 757 had hit the Pentagon on 9/11, we would have been shown videos of it hitting the Pentagon. When I worked in aerospace, I looked at many pictures of aircraft crash sites, more than I can count. There should have been two of these.These engines have to be huge.

The tail would have been visible on the lawn.The tail section has to be very large. The lawn: Eyewitnesses: Like this: Anti News Network a ajouté une photo. - Anti News Network. Anonymous - Apparently those light poles are... Pentagon searchers encounter grisly scenes. The fireball occurred when the jetliner's full fuel tank exploded on impact and roared down corridors so fast that "90% didn't know what happened to them," he said. Many were sitting at their desks or behind partitions. One woman was found frozen in a sitting position, her arms posed as if reading a document.

Several bodies were found huddled in groups near televisions. Pentagon workers were apparently watching the carnage taking place at the World Trade Center when the hellish scene on TV became reality for them, too. When Williams discovered the scorched bodies of several airline passengers, they were still strapped into their seats. The stench of charred flesh overwhelmed him. "It was the worst thing you can imagine," said Williams, whose squad from Fort Belvoir, Va., entered the building, less than four hours after the terrorist attack. The missing include: Army. 74 soldiers, civilians and contractors, about half of them women.

The Air Force and Marines reported no missing personnel. 2005.05.07 - "I know what happened to flight 77" I started researching FLight 77 and its passengers. Approximately 16 to 21 of the 58 passangers work at classified positions in the defense sector!!!! Look at how many of them are aerospace engineers.

One is a lifetime CIA operative who works for veridian as an aerospace engineer, Yamnicky is his last name. The first passenger listed, Caswell, led a team of 100 scientists for the navy. Several work for Boeing and Raytheon on the Global Hawk in El Segundo, California. I think many people faked their deaths. Interesting Passangers of Flight 77 (rough draft) 1. Mr. Mr. "He never talked about his work," said Cindy Sharpley, who has known the Yamnicky family for about 20 years.

But Mr. "He crash-landed five times and walked away from them each," Ms. Mr. "He had done a number of black programs -- which means top-secret," said his son. Mr. Mr. A native of Barren Run, Pa., Mr. They don't even know exactly why he was headed to Los Angeles on the doomed American Airlines Flight 77. 5. 6. 8. 9. 13. Perfect Infidel: David Beckham and Flight 77 in Paris. Strange things afoot! We had to run up to Paris on Monday last for a meeting and it turned out to be quite an adventure!

The meeting was with the Rector of an European University who approached us some time back, offering my husband a teaching contract with VERY generous terms - so generous, in fact, that we were suspicious of the motives. This individual is the son of a former government Minister (I'm not naming the country for reasons that will become obvious as I proceed with the story) who presided over the downfall of an entire government, and who left with a LOT of money. And here I mean a "lot of money" in global terms, not just a "local rich guy. " So, this son grew up to be an academic with lots of money and very interesting government connections both inside his own country and within the governments of other countries, including France, where we live. This leads us to HOW this offer came to us.

We have friends who move in French Government circles. Hmmmm... She has a point. +++ Russia Watched 9/11 In REAL TIME on SATELLITE +++ [Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] Anyone remember that marvelous photo of Putin when Bush visited Russia after 9/11. The most astute leader in the world, was looking at Bush into his eyes as if Bush was his adored boyfriend.

It was a scene from a romance novel. It was the most hilarious photo. Indeed, Putin EXACTLY knew what 9/11 was and sought to turn that to his advantage. What could be more pleasing to this Russian than his competitor going and fighting with his enemy - the Afghan Mujahideen who drove USSR out of Afghanistan and led to its economic collapse. +++ Russia Watched 9/11 In REAL TIME on SATELLITE +++, lemnitzer <=

NATIONAL SECURITY ALERT - Evidence. The Pentagon Attack: What the Physical Evidence Shows. The Pentagon attack left debris scattered over a wide area. Judging from the dimensions of punctures in the facade the vast majority of debris ended up inside of the building. Nonetheless, the few photographs that show portions of the lawn near the building show an extensive debris field, easily accounting for the portions of a 757 that did not penetrate the building. Although no photographs show large pieces of aircraft, it is not reasonable to expect large pieces to have survived intact given the nature of the crash.

It is noteworthy that many crashes that left very little to no large recognizable pieces involved much lower impact speeds than the Pentagon attack. Since the Iranian C-130 was attempting to land, its airspeed was probably less than 150 mph. Debris from the Attack Plane is Widely Distributed The Pentagon attack produced damage covering an area inside and outside the building totaling tens of thousands of square feet. Photographs of Interior Wreckage Are Sparse Summary. Phot. Doctored Pentagon video proves 9/11 cover-up and inside job. From the frames released in 2002: notice the wrong date and the helpful descriptions so you know what you’re seeing. June 13, 2014 By Craig McKee A single frame gives it away.

All but one frame of two sets of surveillance videos purporting to show the impact of Flight 77 into the western face of the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001 appear to show the same thing. But it’s that one frame that tells the tale. It shows that evidence was falsified and that a deliberate plan was carried out to fool the public into thinking that a plane hit the building when it did not. This, combined with other key evidence (including the nature of the damage to the building, the lack of debris outside the building, and the on-camera accounts of credible witnesses who put the plane on a different flight path that the one required to produce the damage path), proves that the Pentagon was the scene of a faked plane crash and that 9/11 was an inside job. But it didn’t. Except one. The one that shows the plane. Like this: Government Involvement in 9/11. In the summer of 2000, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a neo-conservative think tank riddled with soon to be Bush administration officials and advisors, issued a document calling for the radical restructuring of U.S. government and military policies.

It advocated the massive expansion of defense spending, the re-invasion of Iraq, the military and economic securing of Afghanistan and Central Asia, increased centralized power and funds for the CIA, FBI, and NSA, among a slew of other policies that would, in the near future, be enacted upon their ascension to power. In the same document, they cite a potential problem with their plan. Referring to the goals of transforming the U.S. and global power structure, the paper states that because of the American Public's slant toward ideas of democracy and freedom, "this process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor.

" (ibid.) back to top. The plane flew over the pentagon. National Security Alert! August 7, 2010 Kevin Barrett talks with Craig Ranke of Citizen Investigation Team (CIT), makers of the documentary National Security Alert. They discuss the CIT tour of Europe scheduled around this upcoming 9/11 anniversary. Craig also discusses 911blogger’s bizarre decision to censor Barrie Zwicker’s ringing endorsement of CIT. Audio Player Direct link to MP3 file:20100807-kevin-barrett-craig-ranke.mp3 Craig Kevin Barrett: American Freedom Dwain Deets endorses Citizen Investigation Team & their presentation “National Security Alert” Dwain Deets appointed as NASA Dryden Aerospace Projects Director Barrie Zwicker endorses Citizen Investigation Team’s presentation “National Security Alert” Barrie Zwicker: “The evidence now shows, well past reasonable doubt, what happened.

Like this: Like Loading... Pentagon debates expose emptiness of large-plane-impact scenario. We can see in this composite photo that there is no room for a plane to have entered without large pieces of wreckage remaining outside. The work that Craig Ranke (of Citizen Investigation Team) has done on the witnesses for the north path is some of the most solid, irrefutable evidence that one could ever assemble on 9/11, period – Massimo Mazzucco, creator of September 11: The New Pearl Harbor It was my understanding there would be no math ― Chevy Chase as Gerald Ford in 1976 presidential debate, Saturday Night Live March 16, 2016 By Craig McKee It’s like watching someone try to dance between raindrops while they accuse you of being all wet.

Those who are determined to push the impossible claim that a large plane really did hit the Pentagon on 9/11 – despite the absence of a plane at the “crash” site – go to incredible lengths to try and make their case. Following these presentations and my critiques there was a proposal within our teleconference to debate the subject. He responded: Doctored Pentagon video proves 9/11 cover-up and inside job. How we KNOW an airliner did NOT hit the Pentagon. By Craig McKee The government and the media have told us that a Boeing 757 airliner hit the Pentagon at nearly 9:38 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001. But we know it didn’t. For the Pentagon to have been hit at by the allegedly hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, the laws of physics would have to have been repealed. Admittedly, it wouldn’t be the only time that this appears to have happened that day.

I believe that any reasonable person who is willing to look at the evidence (photo and otherwise) will have to conclude that there was not enough damage to the Pentagon for it to have been hit by a Boeing 757. Not enough damage to the building but apparently enough to vaporize the plane. There are many elements of the official Flight 77 story that need to be picked apart. According to Boeing’s own web site, the 757 is 155 feet, 3 inches long. Flight 77 took off from Washington Dulles International Airport near Washington D.C. bound for Los Angeles at 8:20 a.m. – 10 minutes late.

Plane remained intact. Missing wings at the Pentagon: study says they’d have snapped off, not folded in. “When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains — however improbable — must be the truth.” – Sherlock Holmes By Craig McKee I’m not in the habit of quoting fictional characters, but these words (actually written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) are so perfect when challenging assumptions about what happened with Flight 77 and the Pentagon on Sept. 11. Unfortunately, many people approach things the other way around. They imagine that alternative scenarios are too far-fetched to be possible – so we have to stick to the official story.

What I choose to do is to show what’s impossible and see what remains. In my last post, I took a look at some of the most obvious contradictions in the Pentagon crash. And then there’s the wings. In this essay, they look at what might have happened to the wings, giving the official version the benefit of the doubt. The Department of Defense claimed that the wings “telescoped” into the body of the plane. Here’s what they wrote: Like this: Like Loading... 9/11 Commissioner Admits Missile Hit The Pentagon! (VIDEO) Southwest Plane Hits Light Pole At Denver Airport (PHOTO) Southwest flight 792 had just landed from Los Angeles at the Denver airport when it had a bizarre run-in with a light pole. The 737 was taxiing to the gate when, a passenger Tweeted, it ran into a pole on the tarmac. Twitter user and passenger @Hilary_NH Tweeted: "I was just in a plane crash!! Seriously.

The pilot bit a light pole @ Denver International Airport (DEN)". Passengers were de-planed and were bused to the concourse, the Denver Channel reports. A Denver airport spokesperson said operations at the airport were not interrupted and no one on the plane was hurt, KDVR reports. Check out the photo (courtesy of @Hilary_NH) from inside the plane below. PENTAGON DEBRIS | Ken Doc - INVESTIGATE 9/11. There are a lot of people in this movement that claim there is no debris at all from whatever plane hit the Pentagon. These people are either deliberately ignoring the photographic evidence or refuse to believe that an impact was possible. There are many photos clearly showing lots of debris scattered over the lawn and the heliport pad. You don’t have to believe anything I say but I do ask that you at least look at all the evidence before you come to a conclusion. Photographic Evidence supporting a PLANE DID hit the Pentagon For the people that claim there is no debris on the Pentagon lawn is not being very honest More oddities, regarding AA77.

“One of the few sizable scraps of aircraft debris found on the Pentagon’s lawn matches the skin of an American Airlines 757 located just behind the forward starboard-side cabin door. Why is this the only piece of debris so far away from the point of impact and all by itself? Are these white collar Pentagon employees removing or planting debris? Going full debunker: Chandler devotes most of Pentagon talk to boosting 9/11 official story | Truth and Shadows. NATIONAL SECURITY ALERT - 9/11 PENTAGON ATTACK. What hit the Pentagon. The PentaCon-There was no plane at the Pentagon on 9/11 it was a decoy! 9-11 Here's something the government didn't want you to see.

Pentagon External Impact Damage. Response to snopes pentagon "rumor" urban legend 9/11. Pentagon Damage. What Really Happened on September 11 at the Pentagon. Phot. (NEW 2014 WTC DEMOLITION PROOF) DEBUNK THIS (REMAKE) RARE FOOTAGE AND INTERVIEWS SHOWING NEW PROOF. Leaked 9/11 Video Footage Showing Cruise Missile Hitting The Pentagon.