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Inspiration. Today’s inspiration comes from Necon.Necon is a creative agency from Poland. *interastar – a new IT brand from Mexico that will change the way people use technology to generate more value. *interastar is about consulting, software development and implementation. The best illustration for the expertise, knowledge, advice, correction and improvement comes with a very simple sign […] The Graphic Designer Essentials set contains carefully drawn items for you to include within product and store designs, and indeed any graphical situation where regular, everyday, modern items are needed.

Viktor Hertz,a freelance graphic designer did a great job.He recreated logos – a bit funny but for me clever – about famous brands from all over the over.The idea is to come up with honest logos which means revealing the actual content of the company, what they really should be called. Web Design & Front-End Development Portfolio of Kyle Kramer. 16 portfolios créatifs pour votre inspiration.

Présenter ses créations en ligne n’est pas toujours une mince affaire… Dois-je utiliser une plate-forme ou créer ma propre vitrine ? Nous allons parler ici des designers qui ont choisi la seconde option avec 16 portfolios créatifs pour votre inspiration. « Un designer est souvent son pire client » : Cette phrase résonne souvent sur les réseaux sociaux ou dans les conversations de webdesigners telle une vielle rengaine. Réaliser son portfolio demande du temps, de la réflexion et de l’énergie. Qui suis-je d’ailleurs pour vous parler de portfolio, avec mon site web perso qui traine sa page temporaire depuis presque 2 ans ?

:) Bref passons, pourtant en théorie rien de compliqué, un portfolio est un petit site présentant ses réalisations, non ? De nombreux webdesigners publient leurs créations sur des plates-formes comme Dribbble, Behance ou Carbonmade par exemple. Réfléchissez bien à l’objectif principal de votre portfolio. Thirty Dirty Fingers Fitz Fitzpatrick Rich Brown Jan Mense Nick Jones. 20 Effective Examples of Web and Mobile Wireframe Sketches. A wireframe sketch is the initial hand-drawn design process, using paper and pen/pencil, of what a website design will look like. And to help you get inspiration as well as effective reference points, this article features 20 impressive web and mobile wireframe sketches. But first, you might be wondering why the heck you should create a wireframe sketch of your web design. A wireframe sketch is effective in that: • You can capture your creative spark and fluidly sketch out your design. • You can work with your client without committing anything to code, thus saving yourself time and number of actual design revisions. • You get a relatively quick sample that you can show the client and then work off of – think of is as an outline to an essay.

Basically, creating a wireframe sketch saves you time by reducing the number of revisions you’d need to do, and it helps you stay on track with your design by being a prototype you can work off of. Hand-drawn Wireframe Sketches. Galerie des plus beaux sites de couleur rouge » Web Design Inspiration » CSS Gallery » Jolis sites. 35 Inspiring Examples Of Web Design Trends | Inspiration. The web is constantly evolving, new trends are being developed every day, responsive and interaction emerge constantly. Due to the popularity of responsive and interactive web design, Here we have some inspiring examples of trendy web design, that feature a responsive website layout for your inspiration. As we know 2013 is the Year of Responsive Web Design, and in this roundup you can enjoy some responsive web design that help to create a great-looking content, making your design looks classy, strong, attractive, mysterious and very striking.

Earlier, We’re posted trendy articles of Best Web Designs, Responsive Web Designs, CSS Web Design, Mobile Web Design, Dark Colors In Web Designs and today we’re gathered 35 inspiring and responsive webdesign examples. Let’s take a quick look at some amazing new trends web designs to keep in mind when designing your next web project. You may be interested in the following modern trends related articles as well. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. i-Creativ 10. 51 Web Apps for Web Designers and Developers.

Web design and development has significantly changed over the years, as have the tools and technologies involved. With these advancements come tools to make our lives easier, provide higher quality work and better services for our clients. Communication and collaboration over vast distances is no longer painfully frustrating (or impossible) and project or task management is now easier than ever. Web designers and developers can also jump on virtually any internet connected computer with a modern browser to get work done without their main desktop applications.

Wireframe, design, test, develop, deploy and so much more, straight from the web. Here are 51 web apps to make web designer’s and developer’s lives easier than ever and crank up their capabilities. Splashup Splashup With Splashup you have more than basic image editing capabilities at your fingertips, anywhere you go. Price: Free Requires: Flash Link: Aviary Aviary Pixlr Pixlr Adobe kuler.

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