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20 listopada 2012. Największą radość sprawia mi pieczenia, szczególnie ciast drożdżowych.

20 listopada 2012

Wyrastanie ciasta jest magiczne. Zaglądam niecierpliwie pod ściereczkę, czekając na tak zwane podwojenie objętości. Cinnamon Toast Rolls - Circle B Kitchen. The USDA released its new food pyramid the other day (which is actually a plate now instead of a pyramid), and I am sorely disappointed to report that cinnamon rolls did not appear anywhere on that plate.

Cinnamon Toast Rolls - Circle B Kitchen

I think by now most of us know what should be on our dinner plate in terms of healthy, well-rounded nutrient-laden meals, but it is my considered opinion that our breakfast plate should include cinnamon rolls now and then. And not just any cinnamon roll, mind you, but how ‘bout a homemade cinnamon roll hybrid that is a cross between a cinnamon roll and cinnamon toast, is super easy to make and gosh darn delicious. In honor of their ancestry, I call these little gems cinnamon toast rolls, and here’s all you need to make them…