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Tirages Polaroids. Inking in Illustrator: Setting Up Brushes. Over the past few years I’ve been switching back and forth between creating work using traditional tools (pencils, ink, brush, etc.) and using digital tools (Illustrator, Photoshop, a Wacom tablet, etc.).

Inking in Illustrator: Setting Up Brushes

There are a bunch of really cool things about using Adobe Illustrator for inking. • You can get a nice smooth, thick to thin line quality which is similar to using a sable brush and a bottle of ink. • It’s vector based. You can enlarge it as much as you want. • Revisions are much easier than using traditional tools. If you want to give it a shot, I’ve included a few screen shots on how I set up my brushes. 1. 2. 3. 4. Update – Oct. 2014: Since writing this post almost two years ago, I have changed up my approach and switched from Adobe Illustrator to mostly Manga Studio 5 for the majority of my illustration work. Adobe Illustrator and Wacom Pen Tablets: A Better Way to Unleash Creativity. Adobe® Illustrator® and Intuos Pro deliver clean, extendable graphics providing professional designers and illustrators with a better way to create.

Adobe Illustrator and Wacom Pen Tablets: A Better Way to Unleash Creativity

Featuring a host of creative tools, Adobe Illustrator has long been a program of choice for designers and illustrators alike. Advanced software capabilities enable users to produce elaborate designs and illustrations that capture their creativity with greater ease. With a number of features, like path editing, point alignment and precise positioning Adobe Illustrator allows users to work more efficiently with custom workspaces by taking advantage of the easy-to-use interface, featuring space saving and custom viewing options.

Taking Adobe Illustrator to a New Level The Intuos Pro pen tablet offers today’s digital artists an ergonomic device that combines pressure-sensitive pen and multi-touch capabilities, delivering precision and control that’s optimized to work with Adobe Illustrator to speed workflow. How to Set Up Your Pen for Illustrator. V I O L I S E L U N N. Welcome – Adam Saaks. PRODUCTS — MADESQUARE.


Album photo et développement photo - Belgique. 532 Free Comic Fonts. Cartoons. Le top 10 des alternatives à PowerPoint. Si dans votre travail ou vos études, vous avez besoin de faire une présentation orale devant un large public ou encore vos collègues, vous savez l’importance d’avoir un contenu efficace et engageant entre vos mains.

Le top 10 des alternatives à PowerPoint

Powerpoint ne suffit plus pour la plupart d’entre nous, ce pourquoi nous présentons ici 10 alternatives à PowerPoint. Note : cet article est un guest-post, écrit par RoK. Que vous ayez besoin d’outils de présentation dans votre business, pour des formations en ressources humaines ou encore pour enseigner à une classe, ces outils seront probablement d’une grande aide pour garder votre auditoire en haleine. Manipulez vos vidéos, vos images, vos animations, vos clips audio et bien plus encore dans une présentation qui va certainement vous aider à gagner votre audience. 1. Prezi est un logiciel en ligne qui permet de concevoir des présentations et animations avec une fonction zoom. 2. Vous cherchez un moyen de créer des présentations interactives de qualité en HTML5 ?

SooperLooper - real-time looping sampler. SooperLooper is written by Jesse Chappell.

SooperLooper - real-time looping sampler

It is licensed under the GPL and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind. This software is free and the source code is open and available. It is fully functional, no nagging, no activation keys, nothing to waste but time if you find it doesn't suit your needs. Best of all, because the source is open, there will always be someone around who can fix any problems, or add new features. You are welcome to copy it, give copies to your friends, and modify it. Binary Packages Mac OS X Linux Check your distribution for prebuilt binary packages. RedHat/Fedora - from Planet CCRMA. Source Code Release. Photoshop CS4 brush lag with wacom tablet. Manga Studio - Official Website. Publiz - Inspiration graphique et publicité créative.