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eLearning 2.0 sur Twitter : "Jude Sanders "teacher is no longer the sole provider of knowledge" #elearning2"... Apostolos Koutropoulos, Sean Abajian, Rebecca J. Hogue, Nilgun Özdamar Keskin, and Ignatia / Inge de Waard. SchoolKeep sur Twitter : "5 Heutagogical Tips to Empower Lifelong Learners Online: #elearning #instructionaldesign. Blog.schoolkeep. Prior to joining the marketing team at SchoolKeep, I worked as an educational program manager for an experiential learning company.


As the company grew, I was forced to take on new, intimidating marketing tasks. I realized I had quite a bit to learn. Instead of going back to school for a marketing degree, however, I found HubSpot’s blog, which led to their Academy, and then of course to Here, I found a place to continuously learn from and contribute to a huge digital marketing community. Concevoir des simulations en formation (with image) · thot. Change Initiatives Failing? New Leadership Paradigm. The new leadership paradigm shift.

Change Initiatives Failing? New Leadership Paradigm

eLearning Future: What Will eLearning Look Like in 2075? What will a classroom look like in fifty years?

eLearning Future: What Will eLearning Look Like in 2075?

Hundreds of years ago, no one could have possibly imagined some of the exciting, effective learning technologies we have today. Creating open educational resources. The serious business of gamification. If you’re interested in changing behaviour in your workplace, helping employees or customers to develop new skills, or spurring innovation, you may want to consider the approach known as gamification.

The serious business of gamification

If that scares you – given that the word is ugly and sounds as if you would just be encouraging staff to play video games – Brian Burke, a vice-president at technology research firm Gartner Inc., says you should relax. Gamification is actually not about playing games. Games are about entertainment. Gamification is serious stuff, using game mechanics such as badges and awards to digitally engage and motivate people to achieve their goals.

March 31, 2014 - A Guide on Using Storytelling in eLearning Practice. Storytelling is the oldest means of sharing knowledge.

March 31, 2014 - A Guide on Using Storytelling in eLearning Practice

For ages people have been using stories to pass down history, traditions, life lessons & morality. As kids we loved story tellers as we could you use our imagination to bring stories to real life and associate ourselves with the story heroes. Stories stimulate the brain, attract attention and help to retain information. Beating the Forgetting Curve with Distributed Practice. “If you read the research on how much people forget after training, it’s depressing.

Beating the Forgetting Curve with Distributed Practice

Do a search for the ‘Forgetting Curve’. Once we know something like this, we need to change our approach and educate others.”- Connie Malamed (The eLearning Coach)The above quote is from our interview with Connie Malamed. After our inspiring and thought-provoking interview with Connie Malamed, we were left wondering about the interesting human nature that is revealed with the ‘forgetting curve’, and its impact on learning design. We set out on a journey to explore and learn more about this phenomenon.Below are the questions we had in mind when we embarked on our journey: What is the ‘forgetting curve’? Les MOOC au carrefour de l’innovation pédagogique. Par Michel Diaz. Dans le très attendu classement « Innovating Pedagogy » de l’Open University, les MOOC figurent en première place des tendances qui se sont confortées en 2013.

Les MOOC au carrefour de l’innovation pédagogique. Par Michel Diaz

How Video Content is Revolutionizing Learning Infographic. Vers une plateforme de MOOC européenne? Plusieurs projets ont été lancés en Europe dans le domaine des cours en ligne ouverts et massifs.

Vers une plateforme de MOOC européenne?

Les créateurs de certains d'entre eux ont l'ambition de s'accaparer du marché européen des MOOCs. Il a fallu patienter près d'un an pour répondre aux USA. Début 2012, des startups américaines se lançaient dans l'aventure des MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) et créaient des plateformes réunissant des cours en lignes gratuits de prestigieuses universités.

Elles s'appellent Coursera, edX ou encore Udacity. En un peu plus d'un an d'activité, Coursera a déjà réuni plus de 4 millions d'utilisateurs. Un chiffre qui pourrait faire rêver les nouveaux entrants européens. The #MOOC online discussion: 99 Twitter accounts to follow. According to the Top 5 Online Colleges reviewers, “anyone who cares about educational accessibility” should check out the 99 Twitter accounts listed in the blog and see what they have to say about MOOCs, OCW and the overall increase of accessibility to education through digital media.

The #MOOC online discussion: 99 Twitter accounts to follow

Elearning : comment créer des modules percutants ?360Learning Le Blog. Les MOOC vont-ils transformer le marché ... Bill Gates : « construire un système hybride entre cours à la fac et cours en ligne » Les cours en ligne en pleine explosion. WCCE 2013. 50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses. Whether you are looking for a master’s degree program, computer science classes, a K-12 curriculum, or GED study program, this list gives you a look at 50 websites that promise education for free.

50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses

From databases that organize over 1,000,000 students throughout 16 universities, to a small library of documents for those interested in history, the opportunities for free online learning continue to expand as the Internet becomes a crucial component in education. 1. UMass Boston Open Courseware The UMass courseware offers a broad range of classes in areas like psychology, biology, early education, political science, history, mathematics, and others.

Google Partners With Khan Academy To Find Educational YouTube Stars. When it comes to disrupting the traditional (read: stale) educational model, few have made the impact that Khan Academy has. The 6-year-old organization takes the process of teaching in school and doing homework offsite and turns it on its head, proposing that students view lectures at home (via online video, at their own pace) and do “homework” in school. This way, kids can tutor each other or get help from instructors when it’s needed most — when they actually put lessons into practice. Not only have early pilot programs already shown remarkable success, but founder Salman Khan was also named one of Time‘s 100 Most Influential People in the World this year. We’re not the only ones impressed by this innovative organization — Google has thrown its weight behind Khan Academy, partnering with it in a new competition to discover “educational YouTube stars.”

From the official announcement: Think Multiscreen (vs. iPad-only) when developing an mLearning Strategy. PREMIER BAROMÈTRE EUROPÉEN DU e-LEARNING. 5 Ways to Tell Stories in eLearning. By Shelley A. The Tin Can API - SCORM could do more. What consumers want in a LMS – can you say WOW? In this time of summer (well, not here in SF..brrr), the annual rite of passage is in full swing. What is such passage? 3 Quick Tools to Evaluate eLearning Effectiveness Through Your LMS. Most of the organizations use Learning Management System only to serve courses to their users.

There is no great focus on analyzing the reports to evaluate learning. We have worked on several LMSs and interacted with a varied client base. Based on this experience, here are some quick tips to assess course and their effectiveness. 1. Science Dissemination Unit: EyA System. Colloque international Lyon.

Conférence « E-learning : comment mettre en place des outils utiles et attractifs ? » - Mind Map en ligne et Brainstorming - MindMeister. Infographics, simulations, and online courses. CIEL. Open Wonderland Community Wiki : Wonderland Education Projects. E-ScienceTalk. Jean-Paul Moiraud : Tice et projet professionnel (1/2)