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Bled and Surroundings

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Bled castle - castle with rich history and variegated choice cultural offer. Adventure park Bled - Straža. Infrastruktura Bled - Straža. Dežela ljudskih pravljic. Soteska Vintgar. Slovenia-Walking: the Vintgar Gorge, Walk 4 – the Vintgar Gorge, from a Walking Guide of Slovenia.

Slovenia-Walking: the Vintgar Gorge,

Vintgar Gorge, Slovenia Our walk leads you from Bled through villages and forest to the Vintgar Gorge, where you walk on boardwalks above the rushing Radovna River in this narrow and dramatic ravine. We return through more pretty villages and fields back to Bled. If its too hot for a long walk then hop on a bus to shorten the outing (bus timetables below). Vintgar Gorge, near Bled Start/Finish – Bled Distance – 10km/6.2miles Height gain – approx 110m Time – 2h20min Grade – an easy walk on country roads and good paths Recommended map(s) – are either the 1:50 000 Triglavski Narodni Park or the Julijske Alpe vzhodni del (eastern) map published by PZS, plus there is also a 1:30 000 Bled map published by GZS Equipment – Walking shoes.

Refreshments on route – Bar at Zasip and cafe/kiosk at either end of the Gorge. Updates to the 2010, 3rd Edition – There are no updates. After the 50min point at Sv. Grajsko kopališče Bled. A Sweet Surprise: a Slovenian Gingerbread Museum. Radovljica is a picturesque village only a short 7km drive from Lake Bled (Slovenia).

A Sweet Surprise: a Slovenian Gingerbread Museum

We visited the village with the intention of eating at a traditional Slovenian restaurant called Gostilna Lectar, which was recommended to us by our hosts. On the back terrace of Gostilna Lectar we enjoyed a tasty rustic Slovenian lunch while admiring the stunning surround views of the Julian Alps. To our pleasant surprise, we also learned the restaurant housed a Gingerbread Museum in its vaulted cellar, which to this very day operates and produces beautiful decorative gingerbreads made from honey dough. The process of honey-bread making is called ‘lect’ and hence how Gostilna Lectar got its name.

So after lunch we ventured down to the cellar to learn about the traditional Slovenian craft of gingerbread making. We departed with our very own traditional heart-shaped gingerbread, as well as some butterflies and dinosaurs! Old-style baking techniques are still used to make the gingerbread. More… Gostilna Lectar - Gingerbread Museum. Once more, after two centuries, Lectar's in Radovljica has a functioning lect workshop, where products of an old Slovenian craft called »lectarija« are produced.

Gostilna Lectar - Gingerbread Museum

The workshop also functions as a Gingerbread Museum, where visitors can see the process of lect making in person. On a medieval square in the Upper Carniolan town Radovljica, a name dating back to before 1333, stands a house older than 500 years. In this house Jakob Krivic opened a lect workshop, a honey-bread bakery and a chandlery in 1766. He lived to be 90 years old. Občina Škofja Loka - Town description. Triglav National Park - Official Site. The Triglav National Park is located in the north-west of Slovenia, more precisely in the Julian Alps.

Triglav National Park - Official Site

It is the only National Park in Slovenia. The park was named after the highest mountain of Slovenia, the Triglav, which is located nearly at the center of the park. » Avalanche information. Train station Most na Soči - Driver. Address: Postaja 10 5216 Most na Soči Type.

Train station Most na Soči - Driver

Slovenske železnice - Motorail - Slovenske železnice. Ever wanted to go on a longer journey by car without having to drive the distance?

Slovenske železnice - Motorail - Slovenske železnice

Then try our motorail service, which carries your car while you relax and enjoy the train ride. Motorail trains operate on the line between Bohinjska Bistrica, Podbrdo and Most na Soči, and run through the longest Slovenian rail tunnel, the Bohinj tunnel, connecting Upper Carniola in the North of Slovenia with the seaside Littoral in the South West. Family rafting tour on whitewater of Soca river, Slovenia. For such a trip we choose a section, which is safe for the kids, however it is still enjoyable for the parents.

Family rafting tour on whitewater of Soca river, Slovenia

Altogether the family! On the first part of our Family rafting tour we have some rapids with waves. Bohinj. Bohinj. Ranc Mrcina. Summer sledding ‘Furious Pehta’ - Kranjska Gora. This website uses cookies.

Summer sledding ‘Furious Pehta’ - Kranjska Gora

We use cookies to allow you an unimpeded and user-friendly experience. By further use of this website, you agree with our cookies policy. Cookies. Толминское ущелье - Бегущая по волнам. Сегодня наконец-то дошла очередь рассказать о том месте в Словении, которое меня впечатлило больше всего!

Толминское ущелье - Бегущая по волнам

Толминское ущелье! Здесь потрясающая природа! Изумрудная река, водопады, скалы, мосты, камни и корни деревьев причудливых форм! А еще здесь тишина и практически нет туристов. И это очень здорово, что можно окунуться в такую живописную атмосферу не отвлекаясь на поторонние шумы! Сначала нам надо подняться пешком до этого мостика, кстати, по нему умудряются проезжать машины, видимо, местные, для туристов проезд закрыт Воздух здесь очень свежий и "вкусный" И здесь машины тоже проезжают Мы поднялись до моста Дьявола, вид вниз Внизу тоже есть мосты, мы стоим на самом верхнем Начинаем спуск И попадаем к знаменитой "Медвежьей голове", в свое время камень упал и застрял между двумя скалами Здесь цветет цикламен Маленький водопадик Продолжаем наш спуск А некоторые поднимаются по этим ступенькам, хорошо, что мы по ним спускаемся))) а поднимались не так резко Дошли до нижнего мостика Река бурлит Я на фото.

Kekčeva dežela. Village Day in Rateče - Kranjska Gora. This website uses cookies.

Village Day in Rateče - Kranjska Gora

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