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A blog that explores the concept of PDA as well as offering an insight into life with a child with PDA. Fibromyalgia syndrome: management in primary care. Peter Glennon GP, Stafford Issue 7 (Hands On Series 6) Autumn 2010 Download pdf What is fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)?

Fibromyalgia syndrome: management in primary care

The essence of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is the presence of chronic widespread pain, often combined with other multiple symptoms, in the absence of any currently demonstrable pathology. Although traditionally the remit of the rheumatologist, and often a diagnosis of exhaustive exclusion, it is vital for GPs to be able to manage FMS because it is common, chronic, sometimes controversial and often severely disabling for patients. Furthermore, its optimal management requires a comprehensive biopsychosocial approach with a strong, consistent, trusting and long-term doctor–patient relationship, attributes ideally suited to a primary care environment.

One of the controversies surrounding FMS is whether it is a discrete condition at all. Natural history and epidemiology of FMS. 1. Homeostasis. Hypnagogia. "Waking dream" redirects here.


It is not to be confused with daydreaming. Hypnagogia is the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep: the hypnagogic state of consciousness, during the onset of sleep. In opposition, hypnopompia denotes the onset of wakefulness. The related words from the Greek are agōgos "leading", "inducing", pompe "act of sending", and hypnos "sleep". Mental phenomena that occur during this "threshold consciousness" phase include lucid dreaming, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis. Definitions and synonyms[edit] Float Research Hub. The Galim Floatation Center. Click HERE for our customers testimonials Dr.

The Galim Floatation Center

Peter Suedfeld – on R.E.S.T therapy in the floatation tank In the 1960’s systematic research programs appeared exploring effects of basic psychological and psychophysiological processes. During the next decade the 1970’s attention also moved to the use of the technique in psychotherapy, health psychology and behavioural medicine. By 1980 Rod Borrie and I had coined the term R.E.S.T. to replace in inaccurate and somewhat scary term sensory deprivation. It is an unusually powerful tool in smoking cessation, even more so when paired with another effective treatment and reduces relapse rates dramatically. It reduces phobic reactions; it is effective in weight reduction among over weight subjects. Possible Health Benefits of Color Therapy. Color and Alternative Medicine As part of alternative medicine, color therapy uses light to treat some conditions.

Possible Health Benefits of Color Therapy

Each color has different associations, attributes and possible benefits. See for more information on this subject. Color therapy is thought to work like this: Each color vibrates at a specific frequency. How could color therapy glasses affect your mood? Conventional Medicine Uses Color. Floatation History and Research — Float Level - Floatation Centre in Manchester City Centre. Sensory Deprivation Tank - Floatation Tank Archive. Floatation center. Congratulations!

floatation center

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Time Out: The Rise of Sensory Deprivation Tanks. As it gets harder to live in the moment, without distraction, some swear by a forced shutdown.

Time Out: The Rise of Sensory Deprivation Tanks

It's an environment entirely stripped of stimuli. Even gravity feels nonexistent, inside a tank filled with nearly a foot of water and just about 800 pounds of Epsom salt. Like the Dead Sea. You climb inside and lie floating in the darkness. To experience complete sensory deprivation is, ideally, to delve into one's psyche. Comedian and Fear Factor host Joe Rogan has been effusive in his praise of the tank. Rogan got into sensory deprivation in hopes of achieving psychedelic experiences without taking actual drugs. The experience in the tank, though, can be "brutal and unflinching in its portrayal of you and your reality," said Rogan.

He's not alone in describing that untethered feeling as a potentially intense emotional experience.

Research papers

Other therapies. Are Floatation Tanks AKA 'Adult-Sized Wombs' The Key To Perfect Meditation And Stress Relief? Even the most dedicated meditators can find it difficult to find a spot that's calm, quiet and distraction free.

Are Floatation Tanks AKA 'Adult-Sized Wombs' The Key To Perfect Meditation And Stress Relief?

So it's not that surprising that as meditation has grown in popularity in recent years, so has the use of floatation tanks. Dubbed 'adult-sized wombs', the tanks aim to provide the ultimate sensory deprivation experience. For those uninitiated, floatation tanks are essentially pitch-black, enclosed bath tubs. They contain salt-water about 25cm deep that is the temperature of the body (35.5°C). The tanks are designed to aid relaxation. Although the tanks have been around since the 1950s they have become far more popular in the last 18 months. How to learn with zero effort. Face to face with the world’s leading memory experts, my mind is beginning to feel very humble.

How to learn with zero effort

Ben Whately, for instance, tells me about the famous mnemonist Matteo Ricci, a 16th Century Jesuit priest who was the first westerner to take China’s highest civil service exams. The exam was an excruciating ordeal that involved memorising reams of classical poetry – a task that could take a lifetime. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Sensory Deprivation Tanks.