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Ananas poêlé au miel et à l’estragon - Recettes, Cuisine. LA SUPER SUPÉRETTE. Le Moelleux Chocolat d' Oncle Guillaume : Recette de Le Moelleux Chocolat d' Oncle Guillaume. Ingrédients (pour 4 personnes) : - 200 g beurre- 200 g chocolat pâtissier- 200 g sucre- 25 cl de crème liquide- 4 oeufs- 5 cuillère à soupe de farine Préparation de la recette : Cela est très rapide si vous avez un micro-ondes...

Le Moelleux Chocolat d' Oncle Guillaume : Recette de Le Moelleux Chocolat d' Oncle Guillaume

Faire fondre dans un grand saladier le beurre, le chocolat avec la crème liquide. Mélanger bien après... (attention : la préparation doit rester tiède après la sortie du micro-ondes) Carrot cake with maple-cream cheese frosting. After months and months and months of the kind studying, stressing and panicked all-nighters I only vaguely remember from college in part because I am very, very old and in part because, no, I did not graduate with a 4.0, my friend Alice finally took her very big exam this past weekend.

carrot cake with maple-cream cheese frosting

In an effort to compensate for the dozens of parties and outings and merriment she’s missed since the summer, her fiance had a surprise party (and a clean loft, swoon) waiting for her when she got home. Me? Pure gourmandise ! Le blog I ♥ Cakes.