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Vadim Mahorov. A Fractal A Day Offers 365 Snippet Of Infinity. Not all of us have the minds to understand the true beauty of mathematics. But with fractals, confounding mathematical equations can become intriguing, self-similar patterns. So as you magnify a fractal, you’ll simply see their details repeated again and again. Fractals are nature’s data visualizer--or barber shop pole--depending how you think about them. The 0001 project, by Nick Schlax, features a fractal a day. To create each day’s image, Schlax plugs in randomized sets of values into an affine transformation equation. Schlax renders 24 of these random fractals at a time, sometimes several times, before discovering a fractal that he likes. The end product becomes the image of the day.

[Hat tip: CreativeReview] TimeScapes Time Lapse Photography. Studio Envy: Flying Fig Photography » Confessions of a Prop Junkie. Jeremy Koreski - Photography. Jokusarlon1_2000.jpg (2000×1091) Tim Kemple Photo and Video. JIMMY CHIN. HunterGatherer. Pyramid Island, Jasper National Park, Canada. Salt Documentary Australian Film | Michael Angus Murray Fredericks Movie. Eloquent Pixels | Photography. Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010.

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