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Barnkonventionen. Val i Sverige. Demokrati. RIKSDAGSMATERIAL. Children world B&W.jpg (JPEG Image, 459 × 373 pixels) jAG VILL SÄGA NÅGOT! 2014.pdf. Om barn och ungas rättigheter från 6-9 år. SLI.SE - Evas Superkoll del 16 - Barnkonventionen. These 20 powerful photos of kids’ bedrooms will change the way you look at the world.

Like us on FB: Where Children Sleep is a powerful photo series by English photographer James Mollison. He traveled around the world capturing the differences between the lifestyle of kids from different countries. The discrepancy is quite shocking, as in the series you will find photos of children like Kaya from Tokyo, whose mother spends more than $1.000 a month on her dresses, as well as photos of kids from Brazil or Nepal that barely have a roof over their heads.

Save the Children Italy supported the two year long process needed to complete this series that now is also available as a book, where each portrait and bedroom photos are accompanied by an extended caption that tells the story of each child. If you are interested in the book this is the Amazon link, while if you want to see some other work by James Mollison here’s his personal website:

If you like share this post with your friends via Facebook or Twitter. Sharing is caring. (via) Photos of Children From Around the World With Their Most Prized Possessions. Chiwa – Mchinji, Malawi Shot over a period of 18 months, Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti‘s project Toy Stories compiles photos of children from around the world with their prized possesions—their toys. Galimberti explores the universality of being a kid amidst the diversity of the countless corners of the world, saying, “at their age, they are pretty all much the same; they just want to play.”

But it’s how they play that seemed to differ from country to country. Galimberti found that children in richer countries were more possessive with their toys and that it took time before they allowed him to play with them (which is what he would do pre-shoot before arranging the toys), whereas in poorer countries he found it much easier to quickly interact, even if there were just two or three toys between them. There were similarites too, especially in the functional and protective powers the toys represented for their proud owners.

Stella – Montecchio, Italy Pavel – Kiev, Ukraine. Rafiki. Fran-a-till-on-2014. Lektion_se_26346_Riksdagspartierna. E471099702 1. Sveriges-riksdag-LL-2013.pdf. En-kort-vagledning. Nyheter & fakta -