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Acrobat, Reader. To view/add comments, you must enable JavaScript in your browser. Puzzled? Wondering why this page appeared? You probably clicked a button when trying to print. If you aren't looking for printing tips, simply close this window and return to printing. Need help printing? Click the picture below to open instructions for that task. Solving printing problems Quick fix If you are having problems printing, try this quick fix first. Acrobat 9.4.2 If you are using Acrobat 9.4.2, see Printing problems | Acrobat 9.4.2 update . In-depth troubleshooting See this troubleshooting article for additional solutions, such as updating your printer driver and copying your file to your hard drive. Community forums Forums have discussions about issues similar to yours. Frequently asked questions How do I print double-sided without a duplex printer?

Print even pages first, reload the pages, and then print odd pages. How can I print the text in another color? You cannot change the colors as you print. Back to top. 12 Sites to Help You Learn Flash. Adobe Flash is an excellent technology that allows developers to add interactivity and smooth animations to web pages.

12 Sites to Help You Learn Flash

Its popularity is so immense that you’ll find many websites dedicated to helping developers interested in Flash. In this article, you’ll find 12 wonderful websites that’s worth a bookmark if you’re looking into sharpening your Flash development skills. For each entry, you’ll find three tutorials from the website so that you can see what’s in store for you. 1. is a site that features excellent Flash tutorials (as well as Silverlight,, PHP, and Photoshop). Tutorial examples: 2. Some people learn best by visualization and following along with the instructor step-by-step in real-time. 3. gotoAndPlay() gotoAndPlay() is dedicated to providing resources for Flash game developers. 4.

Adobe’s Flash Developer Center is a community for Flash developers. 5. 6. 7. Flash and Math has a great collection of tutorials on AS3. Layers. Topics. Turn here for videos and tutorials specifically related to Elements 10.


For earlier versions, click the links below:Photoshop Elements 9Photoshop Elements 8Photoshop Elements 7Photoshop Elements 6 An overview of Elements’ essential concepts. In-depth looks at the tools inside Elements Editor, as well as the different features found in the menus. Discover all sorts of extras you can add to Elements, including instructions for adding them to your setup. How to import, sort, and organize your photo library with Elements (including the Organizer, Bridge, and iPhoto, among others).

Learn more about how to make great selections, and how to move objects and backgrounds from one photo to another. Enhance your photos in hundreds of different ways, including painting with light, creating vignettes, soft focus effects, and more. Working with filters and other features to create artistic-style effects with your photos. Using filters and other techniques to add photographic-style effects to your images. Video Tutorials. Adobe Education Store - North America - Adobe Education Store - North America. Adobe Education Store - North America. Elements Village. Photoshop Elements Techniques, Tutorials, Downloads, Video Tips, Newsletter and more - Photoshop Elements User.

Photoshop Elements Techniques Learning Center.