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Comment faire un sac réversible ? Machine à coudre - Coudre une poche passepoilée. Making Your Own Pattern: a tutorial. Patterns aren't cheap.

Making Your Own Pattern: a tutorial

Seriously, I was browsing through through the look books at Hobby Lobby the other day and some of them were as much as $20. Tack that on to the price of fabric and other supplies and suddenly sewing your own clothing becomes very expensive. Thankfully, you can make your own patterns using your own clothing that you know to fit well. I'll show you how to make a simple blouse pattern using a top of my own. I used Scotch Postal Wrapping Paper as my pattern paper. I used paper because I like to lay my pattern piece down and trace the shape directly onto my fabric.

Muslin fabric is another great material that would allow you to pin the pattern piece to your fabric. Lay your garment down on the paper and determine the middle of the top. Mark right above the collar and right below the hem. Draw a rough outline of one half of the top. When you get to the sleeve, do your best to fold it back so that you just see the armhole.

Now for the sleeves. *Update* Rajout doublure veste #2. Here it is, my tutorial on how to line a jacket using the ‘bagged’ method.

Rajout doublure veste #2

This jacket lining method gives the most professional results, requires the least amount of hand sewing and is also the quickest. A triple win in my opinion! If you look through your closet, you’ll find that almost every jacket you own was lined using some variation of this method. This method is really very simple and hopefully you’ll be making jackets right and left now that lining them is so easy! This tutorial is pretty photo heavy, so click the link below to continue to the full post. Step 1 : Cut out your pieces like normal. Step 2 : Attach the collar to the neck edge of the jacket.

Step 3 : With right sides facing, pin and stitch the jacket shell and lining together around the sides and neck leaving the hem loose. Rajout doublure veste #1. You may know that I am planning a polka dot blazer this summer and in deciding what sort of blazer I wanted to make I went to three places… My closet to see what types of blazers I have that I wear a lot, the internet to see what sort of blazers are out there in the regular world, and I also checked out a lot of sewing patterns.

Rajout doublure veste #1

One thing I noticed, on BurdaStyle in particular, is that there are a lot of patterns for unlined blazers and jackets. While I’m all about the Hong Kong binding and all that junk (especially with pretty contrasting colors, etc.), I really sort of just like to bag it all up nice with a lining and call it a day. I’m guessing I’m not the only one so I thought I would share this little tutorial on how to create a lining for your blazer. This is also applicable on jackets, coats, and any other garment name that basically means the same type of thing. Adding a lining is really easy but it’s more than just cutting the jacket pieces in lining fabric. [Tuto vidéo] L'ourlet invisible à la machine.

Par nessie, le 29/02/2012 dans A la une, Tutoriels T&N La semaine dernière, nous vous montrions comment réaliser un ourlet invisible à la main.

[Tuto vidéo] L'ourlet invisible à la machine

Mais saviez-vous que vous pouvez également les faire à la machine ? Dans notre tuto vidéo du jour, Saki vous montre quel point utiliser, et comment plier votre ourlet pour obtenir une couture quasi-invisible (pour les besoins du tuto nous avons bien sûr utilisé un fil contrastant, d’où nos points pas du tout invisibles). Et pour diminuer la taille des points (qui sont très larges dans la vidéo), il suffit de bien faire attention de coudre pile au bord du repli. Et pour celles qui se demandaient quel matériel nous utilisions, nos vidéos sont filmées avec un Reflex Nikon D5100 et montées via le logiciel Final Cut Express. Faux passepoil pour vraie flemmarde. Le passepoil c’est assez génial, cela permet de donner un rendu très soigné en deux coups de cuillère à pot, Maggyy a d’ailleurs écrit récemment un article sur le sujet .

Mais quand on n’a pas de passepoil sous la main, pas le temps ou l’envie d’en faire soi-même, bref quand on veut faire sa flemmarde, j’ai un truc très simple qui fait assez bien la blague. Tuto pose de poche dans la couture... Tuto pose de poche dans la couture...

Tuto pose de poche dans la couture...

Coudre, c'est bien.... mais j'aime aussi faire partager!! Alors voici comment faire une poche prise dans la couture .... Ninart. Coudre un coussin passepoilé / Poser un passepoil. Couture - Coudre une robe avec un col en V. Tuto jupe froufrou sans couture tutu. Appliqué. Coudre un biais dans un angle interne.

Machine à coudre - Coudre une poche passepoilée. Tuto 25 - Couture - Coudre une poche dans un sac. Préparation des bandes de biais. Comment faire du biais avec peu de tissu.

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