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Teen work experience models

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Getting relevant work experience, hooking up with the right contacts, planning for the future and developing the skills you need to succeed – how do you know where to start? Here’s a hint. is an online digital hub from O2 (O2 Think Big) bringing you the inside scoop on exciting work experience opportunities, valuable career advice, amazing insider contacts and exclusive tips to set you up for your dream career. There was a time when the team behind GoThinkBig was just starting out in our careers and meeting the challenges that come with finding the right path, so we know what you’re going through. That’s why we’re so well placed to help you now!

We’ll share useful, simple tools to help you identify your talents and passions, develop new skills and kick start your career. Connect you to the experts. Lift the lid on all the jobs you hadn’t even considered – plus, we’ll flag up gaps in the market just waiting to be filled. Event: JobHack with Penguin Random House – Yorkshire – 28th October. Do you like to think, make and do?

Event: JobHack with Penguin Random House – Yorkshire – 28th October

What was the last story that really caught your attention? A news story on Facebook, the latest series on Netflix, or a podcast that’s taken iTunes by storm? That’s what book publishing’s about. We tell stories on the page and beyond. Working in publishing, you’re the one who gets there first – before a story is a series on HBO, before it’s a film, sometimes even before it has a title. If you’re curious to see where that could lead, our story together could start right here… JobHack is a workshop day on Friday 28th October in Halifax. We’ll put you in the shoes of an editor, a recruiter, a marketer and many other roles in between, so you can get to grips with what it’s like to work in those functions. We really want to meet you! A little bit about yourself. Make sure to answer the above questions in a Word document and submit in place of your cover letter.

Still not sure? This is what previous attendees had to say: “Absolutely loved it. #PRHjobhack Birmingham - 22/07/16 (with images, tweets) · PRHCareersUK. Workshop with Penguin Random House! – Twenty Swans. Hi everyone!

Workshop with Penguin Random House! – Twenty Swans

So, as I’m typing, I’ve been home for a few hours now and I’m currently chowing down my Penguin-branded M&Ms and rearranging my haul of freebies (I love you, Penguin <3) to take some ‘instagrammable’ photos. It’s as much a word as ‘discoverability’. Penguin Random House held a workshop ‘Job Hack’ day for people to learn about the publishing process, bust a few myths and show us how they stay relevant to current consumers through new, innovative ideas towards storytelling. I got the promotional email through my school – the first of many that get sent out to my year group that I was actually interested in!

I am very grateful to be one of the 30 people chosen to take part. It was an 18+ event (but not explicit or anything, not to worry…) and I think I might have been one of the youngest people there, having just finished my A-Level exams whilst others were in university or already graduated. There’s something about being an adult that makes human bingo less intimidating. P.S.