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Harry Potter

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Harry Potter fandom. By the fourth Harry Potter book, the legions of Harry Potter fans had grown so large that considerable security measures were taken to ensure that no book was purchased before the official release date.[2] Studies on the fandom have shown that both children and adults are fans,[3][4] despite Rowling's original marketing of the books towards children aged nine to twelve.[5] Pottermania[edit] Pottermania is an informal term first used around 1999 describing the craze Harry Potter fans have had over the series.[6] Fans held midnight parties to celebrate the release of the final four books at bookstores which stayed open on the night leading into the date of the release.[7] In 2005, Entertainment Weekly listed the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire as one of "Entertainment's Top Moments" of the previous 25 years.[8] When the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released in the UK, the queues were said to be "massive.

Harry Potter fandom

"[citation needed] Fan sites[edit] Mapping out Harry Potter’s world. J.K.

Mapping out Harry Potter’s world

Rowling’s world of Harry Potter comes alive every morning when the Harvard Museum of Natural History (HMNH) opens it doors. Since July 9, Harry Potter aficionados and ambivalent readers alike have flocked to the museum to complete the “Harry Potter Scavenger Hunt.” To begin the scavenger hunt is simple: Pick up a “Marauder’s Map” when you enter the museum and follow its clues. The map lists items such as Harry’s “invisibility cloak,” “animagus,” and “Snape’s Patronus,” offering hints about a related item in a specified area of the museum.

The map is available free with admission and museum-goers have until Sept. 5 to participate. The educational goal of the scavenger hunt is to bring attention to the real plants and animals that may have inspired characters, creatures, and objects in the Potter books. Luis Gonzalez (left) and his nephew Javier Gonzalez check out the white-tailed deer, which is labeled "Snape's Patronus. " “J.K. Quelle est la valeur littéraire de «Harry Potter»? L’Université de Saint-Andrews, en Ecosse, haut lieu de l’enseignement supérieur au Royaume-Uni, a organisé les 17 et 18 mai dernier un colloque de deux jours consacré à la saga des «Harry Potter».

Quelle est la valeur littéraire de «Harry Potter»?

Poudlard Mag - toute l'actu Harry Potter. Potter Voice. Potter Voice, c'est le podcast de Poud lard Mag.

Potter Voice

Les dernières news, les dernières rumeurs et les dernières infos sur Harry Potter, des chroniques sur la pottermania, des débats autour de sujets divers, et de la musique: du Wizard Rock! Si vous avez des questions, des remarques ou des réactions, n'hésitez pas à réagir à! Téléchargement et écoute: Episode 1: "Là où la magie commence" (11/08/2011)Téléchargement (cliquez sur "download") Ecoute: Episode 2: "Tu es un sorcier Harry" (26/10/2011)Téléchargement (cliquez sur "download") Ecoute: Harry Potter en 18 dates - Potterveille - Site de fans d'Harry Potter. « Harry Potter, la fin d'un mythe ? » ; rediffusion en ligne ! 25 août 2011 La Gazette, en collaboration avec PoudlardMag, avait organisé il y a quelques semaines un débat participatif sur Harry Potter via un système de vidéoconférence.

« Harry Potter, la fin d'un mythe ? » ; rediffusion en ligne !

Alors que 124 participants nous avaient écoutés lorsque la conférence s’est achevée, il nous avait été demandé s’il était possible de revoir l’émission ; la réponse est désormais oui ! Vous allez pouvoir réécouter nos commentaires, mais aussi lire ceux des participants sur le tchat (même s’il est nécessaire de passer en full screen pour ça). Ce qui ne devait être qu’un test s’est avéré plutôt concluant, nous espérons donc sans doute réitérer l’expérience de manière un peu plus ’organisée’, et comptons bien sûr sur vous pour des suggestions d’améliorations.

Sur ce, bonne écoute, bonne lecture (du tchat), et merci encore de votre soutient pour cette initiative ! Commentaires Mots-clef de l'article : Exclusive: Finished ‘Potter’? Rowling tells what happens next - Wild about Harry. If you found the epilogue of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” rather vague, then J.K.

Exclusive: Finished ‘Potter’? Rowling tells what happens next - Wild about Harry

Rowling achieved her goal. The author was shooting for “nebulous,” something “poetic.” She wanted the readers to feel as if they were looking at Platform 9¾ through the mist, unable to make out exactly who was there and who was not. “I do, of course, have that information for you, should you require it,” she told TODAY’s Meredith Vieira rather coyly in her first interview since fans got their hands on the final book.

Ummm … yes, please! Potterglyphics: Harry Potter, encapsulated - Time Out Chicago Kids. Just in time for the final installment of the Harry Potter movie series (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two, in theaters Friday 15), Chicago cartoonist Lucy Knisley has finished and unveiled her complete Harry Potter condensed comic, aptly titled The Summharry.

Potterglyphics: Harry Potter, encapsulated - Time Out Chicago Kids

As you’ll see if you download the poster at her site, Knisley does an amazing job of condensing the complete series into a humorous, witty, good-natured parody, rife with inside Potter jokes. TOCK caught up with Lucy to get the details. The hardest part, she recounts, was condensing the whole series into the eight comics. (As with the films, Knisley split J.K. Rowling's last book into two parts; the eight parts were released over time, and can now be read individually or as part of one huge poster.) You don’t have to be Hermione Granger to deduce that the artist is definitely a giant Potter fan. Her comic-book condensation is filled with funny little quotes and captions. Tant de similitudes entre Harry Potter et Star Wars. First of all, I only rated this one star because I can't rate it none.

Secondly, I'm glad I bought this second hand because its about 1/4 inch thick. Thirdly, this is not a good book. Like the previous reviewer stated, Blake seems to be trying to answer why Harry Potter is so popular, but he never really does. He provides a whole bunch of statistics like The Labour Party came into power in the same year Harry was published.

So what? Which brings up the main reason why this book is so bad--Blake never took the time to read the books thoroughly and analyze them thoroughly. His attitude is insensitive, condescending, cynical, and patronizing, to the point that one wonders why in the world he wrote this book at all? I would advise you NOT to waste your money. The Harry Potter Empire.