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A new indie war game project for PC/Windows. Long time no see! We’ve been taking a bit of extra time to improve RWR over a longer stretch recently before hitting Steam Early Access. Version 0.93 will be released soon (hating that word as much as you do), within 1-2 weeks I dare say, soon to follow with an updated demo and 0.94 for Steam. Also it’s that voting time of the year again, so give us a thumbs up by clicking somewhere on the enormous banner at 2013 IOTY awards.

Forums - General. The Weblog. TIGSource. Starfarer » Blog. When I was first drawing up spaceships for Starsector we determined what to make based mostly on what felt right according to the conceit of idealized WW2-era naval combat in space. Obviously we needed a big battleship (the Onslaught), cheap swarming fighters (the Talon), a nimble frigate (the Wolf), and a giant carrier (the Astral), etc.

The roles and variations of ships pretty much suggest themselves, and the form follows their function. If it’s a battleship, it should look like its tough and packs a heck of a punch. I’ve certainly drawn a few ships without a hard plan upfront but even then I’m always thinking about what kind of role the ship in question is going to play in the game.