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um, hi my name is tresa, i always go by the name slitwrist... it is just soming that i grew up wif, um, i am a really fun person, i love being outrageous(: it's a passion, if you want to know anything else,,, i dont know what to tell you.

Great White Shark Attack. I Wouldn't Mind - He Is We Lyrics. World's Greatest Drag Race! - 9/13. Poe's "Raven," performed by Star Trek's Q. Dog-cat-humor. Sleek word clock. Zebra Imaging - 512.251.5100. Shark. Artist: Nick Gentry. “Nick Gentry is a British graduate of Central St Martins and has exhibited in the UK, USA and Europe.

Artist: Nick Gentry

As part of a generation that grew up surrounded by floppy disks, VHS tapes, polaroids and cassettes, he is inspired by the sociological impact of a new internet culture… …His portraits use a combination of obsolete media formats, making a comment on waste culture, life cycles and identity. 21 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photosphopped (Part 8) This is the latest edition of our most popular feature, in which we demonstrate that the truth is stranger than Photoshop.

21 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photosphopped (Part 8)

Here are more photos that will make every poster in the comment section scream "FAKE! " but are absolutely real. In case you missed the previous episodes, here's Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, the gritty reboot that doesn't acknowledge the previous editions, Part 6 and Part 7. And now ... #21. Via Jaw droppin' illustrations by Tiago Hoisel collected by @Nicole. Pugs-carlinos-graciosos-disfrazados-cerdos-pig.png (PNG Image, 400x330 pixels) 22 Professional Photoshop Image Enhancing Tutorials. Adobe Photoshop is the premier tool for digital artists when it comes to professionally enhancing images. Whether you’re a beginner just learning the ropes or an advanced user looking for unique techniques to add to your Photoshop arsenal, you’ll find some tutorials here that you’ll surely want to bookmark.

In this article, you’ll discover plenty of tutorials that deal with enhancing images, adding unique and impressive effects, and recreating digital replications of popular traditional photography techniques. 1. Cross Processing You can learn how to apply the Cross Processing film-developing technique digitally to your images by reading through this quick and educational tutorial that leverages the powers of the Curves tool in Photoshop.

Pearltrees videos

Help. 4-elephkandsha1060-.jpg (JPEG Image, 370x516 pixels) Zebra_764_600x450. Rs.jpg (274×480) RARE MASSIVE 6-GILL SHARK SIGHTING AT 3300 FT DEPTH!! - StumbleUpon. "8 iPhone Apps I Wish Existed" by Kevin Corrigan. The OSTRICH Story. A man walks into a restaurant with a full-grown ostrich behind him.


The waitress asks them for their orders. The man says, "A hamburger, fries and a coke," and turns to the ostrich, "What's yours? " "I'll have the same," says the ostrich. The next day, the man and the ostrich come again and the man says, "A hamburger, fries and a coke. " The ostrich says, "I'll have the same. " Again the man reaches into his pocket and pays with exact change. This becomes routine until the two enter again. "The usual asks the waitress? " "No, this is Friday night, so I will have a steak, baked potato and a salad," says the man.

"Same," says the ostrich. Shortly the waitress brings the order and says, "That will be $32.62. " Once again the man pulls the exact change out of his pocket and places it on the table. The waitress cannot hold back her curiosity any longer. "Excuse me, sir. How do you manage to always come up with the exact change in your pocket every time? " Paramore - Fences (Lyrics) 15-render-FG.jpg (JPEG Image, 1000x750 pixels) - Scaled (85. Incredible macro-photography of people’s eyes. He received a PhD in Theoretical Physics from Yerevan State University in 2001 for research in the field of Quantum Chaos and investigations in the field of Quantum Technologies. Yet, Suren Manvelyan is probably best known for his stunning macro-photography. Especially popular is his series of close-ups of human eyes called Your Beautiful Eyes.

Life is pretty normal today. Neon Trees - Animal. Otomata. 16 Jul 2011 Click on the grid below to add cells, click on cells to change their direction, and press play to listen to your music.


Update: Click here to get Otomata for your iPhone / iPod / iPad! Official facebook page: Life is Like a Boat - BLEACH. Pardon Me - He Is We Lyrics. Gamarjobat - Amazing Comedy Duo. Crazy THINGS PARENTS TEXT ™ Cradle Chair: Big Basket Seat Rocks Adults Gently to Sleep. There is no escaping those innate and early-learned associations – for some, it means sleeping to gentle noises on planes, and for others, the act of rocking tilts us softly into a deep slumber.

Cradle Chair: Big Basket Seat Rocks Adults Gently to Sleep

Motorcycle Cop Owns Obstacle Course. The 29 Best Charlie Sheen Quotes: The Definitive List from Charlie Sheen Quotes. Wow, so this Charlie Sheen quote machine just won't slow down.

The 29 Best Charlie Sheen Quotes: The Definitive List from Charlie Sheen Quotes

I think it's safe to say that there's never been a human being in the history of talking human beings who has had so many amazing quotes. So many! And the scary thing is that it's been less than a week. Yogi Berra took like twenty years to come up with what, seven solid quotes? ‪kid plays instrument awesomely EPIC MUST WATCH‬‏ ‪Waimea River‬‏ Pizza Delivery Instructions. Motorcycle Cop Owns Obstacle Course. This is how I feel about buying apps.