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Exploratory Data Analysis Using R. Lesson 1: What is EDA? (1 hour) We'll start by learn about what exploratory data analysis (EDA) is and why it is important. You'll meet the amazing instructors for the course and find out about the course structure and final project. Lesson 2: R Basics (3 hours) EDA, which comes before formal hypothesis testing and modeling, makes use of visual methods to analyze and summarize data sets. Lesson 3: Explore One Variable (4 hours) We perform EDA to understand the distribution of a variable and to check for anomalies and outliers. Problem Set 3 (2 hours) Lesson 4: Explore Two Variables (4 hours) EDA allows us to identify the most important variables and relationships within a data set before building predictive models.

Problem Set 4 (2 hours) Lesson 5: Explore Many Variables (4 hours) Data sets can be complex. Problem Set 5 (2 hours) Lesson 6: Diamonds and Price Predictions (2 hours) Investigate the diamonds data set alongside Facebook Data Scientist, Solomon Messing. Final Project (10+ hours) A statistical graphics course and statistical graphics advice. Dean Eckles writes: Some of my coworkers at Facebook and I have worked with Udacity to create an online course on exploratory data analysis, including using data visualizations in R as part of EDA.The course has now launched at so anyone can take it for free.

And Kaiser Fung has reviewed it. So definitely feel free to promote it! Criticism is also welcome (we are still fine-tuning things and adding more notes throughout).I wrote some more comments about the course here, including highlighting the interviews with my great coworkers. I didn’t have a chance to look at the course so instead I responded with some generic comments about eda and visualization (in no particular order): - Think of a graph as a comparison. . - For example, Tukey described EDA as the search for the unexpected (or something like that, I don’t remember the exact quote) . - No need to cram all information onto a single graph.

. - I like line plots. Chartspree | Make charts in seconds. Chartspree | Make charts in seconds. Disinformation Visualization: How to lie with datavis | Visualising Information for Advocacy. By Mushon Zer-Aviv, January 31, 2014 Seeing is believing. When working with raw data we’re often encouraged to present it differently, to give it a form, to map it or visualize it.

But all maps lie. In fact, maps have to lie, otherwise they wouldn't be useful. Some are transparent and obvious lies, such as a tree icon on a map often represents more than one tree. Others are white lies - rounding numbers and prioritising details to create a more legible representation. And then there’s the third type of lie, those lies that convey a bias, be it deliberately or subconsciously. It all sounds very sinister, and indeed sometimes it is. Over the past year I’ve had a few opportunities to run Disinformation Visualization workshops, encouraging activists, designers, statisticians, analysts, researchers, technologists and artists to visualize lies. Reproducing Lies Let’s set up some rules. We don’t spread visual lies by presenting false data. Should we legalize the killing of babies? Data Visualization Gallery. State Gun Laws Enacted in the Year Since Newtown - Interactive Graphic.

Cambecc/earth. About earth. A visualization of global weather conditions forecast by supercomputers updated every three hours ocean surface current estimates updated every five days ocean surface temperatures and anomaly from daily average (1981-2011) updated daily ocean waves Aerosols and Chemistry | GEOS-5 (Goddard Earth Observing System) GMAO / NASA atmospheric pressure corresponds roughly to altitude several pressure layers are meteorologically interesting they show data assuming the earth is completely smooth note: 1 hectopascal (hPa) ≡ 1 millibar (mb) 1000 hPa | 00,~100 m, near sea level conditions 700 hPa | 0~3,500 m, planetary boundary, high 10 hPa | ~26,500 m, even more stratosphere the "Surface" layer represents conditions at ground or water level this layer follows the contours of mountains, valleys, etc. overlays show another dimension of data using color some overlays are valid at a specific height while others are valid for the entire thickness of the atmosphere Wind | wind speed at specified height Temp | Peak Wave Period |

Earth wind map. Create beautiful dynamic data driven maps | CartoDB. Login. Beyonce releases her new album online. Watch The Exact Moment Beyonce's Album Blew Up The Internet. Plotly | Analyze and visualize data, together. 113 years of football player transfers | Football. Mac Bryla | Eye See Data. Time-Lapse | Foursquare Check-Ins. Tool. Music Animation Machine — "Music Worth Watching" Chopin/Godowsky, Etude in E major, (Trois nouvelles etudes No. 2/No. 45) The Pulse Of Big Cities On Foursquare. Toutes les data d'une révolution. Au premier coup d’oeil, vous ne savez pas vraiment ce que vous regardez. Ce pourraient être des brins d’ADN mitochondrial, ou du sperme en train de féconder un ovule, ou peut-être le produit d’une union incongrue entre une créature marine et une boule de poils. Tandis que la chose grossit, elle passe par une série de mutations de plus en plus complexes, pour finir comme une sorte d’Étoile noire en chantier. publicité Ce que vous êtes en train de regarder, ce sont des données, ou pour être plus précis, une représentation visuelle de tweets et de retweets publiés pendant une période de quelques heures le 11 février 2011, juste après la démission du président égyptien Hosni Moubarak.

Omniprésence des données numériques Plus que jamais auparavant, nous vivons dans un univers de données. Cette explosion de données s’est accompagnée de nouveaux moyens de les représenter. De tous les phénomènes sociaux qui invitent à l’analyse, peu sont aussi complexes ou aussi volatiles que les révolutions. Who's the most influential in a social graph? New software recognizes key influencers faster than ever. (—At an airport, many people are essential for planes to take off. Gate staffs, refueling crews, flight attendants and pilots are in constant communication with each other as they perform required tasks.

But it's the air traffic controller who talks with every plane, coordinating departures and runways. Communication must run through her in order for an airport to run smoothly and safely. In computational terms, the air traffic controller is the "betweenness centrality," the most connected person in the system. Determining the most influential person on a social media network (or, in computer terms, a graph) is more complex. Georgia Tech has developed a new algorithm that quickly determines betweenness centrality for streaming graphs. "Unlike existing algorithms, our system doesn't restart the computational process from scratch each time a new edge is inserted into a graph," said College of Computing Professor David Bader, the project's leader. How NASA Makes Scientific Data Beautiful. How do you make education interesting and, more importantly, beautiful?

When it comes to the work of NASA, attracting enthusiasts isn't difficult with the usual visuals of bright stars and colorful planets on hand. Look no further than the recent awe over Mars rover Curiosity's high-res pictures to see proof of humanity's fascination with space. But not all of NASA's data is packaged into a neat little photos. In fact, some of the organization's most important findings about space come back in the form of numbers, beamed in by one of the many satellites orbiting our planet. And this information is brought to life by the Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS) — a team of scientists and animators that turns numerical data into a dynamic graphic or video. The SVS is not only an active and creative tool for NASA outreach — it has even gone viral. "I think scientists have an amazing internal world — they think about these things and how they work," says Dr. How did Perpetual Ocean come about?

NASA Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio. Social Media Portraits Of 11 Cities, Mapped As Digital Sunflowers. In mathematics, there is a particularly beautiful equation called the Vogel Spiral. To a nonmathematical mind, the formula seems arcane and impenetrable, but give it to a programmer and they can unfurl its variables until it precisely models the interconnecting spirals that form the pattern of florets in the head of a sunflower. For years, U.K. designer Brendan Dawes has been drawn to the Vogel Spiral. In 2007, he first experimented with an Adobe Flash–based navigation system built on the algorithm. But Dawes’s latest work uses the spiral to much more breathtaking effect and scope. In late October last year, British mobile carrier Everything Everywhere (EE) went live with its 4G LTE service in 11 cities: London, Bristol, Birmingham, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, and Southampton.

The result was a series of stunning data visualizations, which Dawes calls Digital City Portraits, but are really social media sunflowers. Flickr-Generated Photo Map of NYC Is Wonderful. Algorithmically-generated artworks comprise ‘average’ of faces from movies. Two artists have created a series of pieces that use facial recognition to detect all of the faces in movies and then creates an average of all the found faces.

The result is series of ghostly images representing films including Black Swan, Avatar, The Matrix and Mission: Impossible. Shinseungback Kimyonghun -- a Seoul-based artistic collaboration made up of Shin Seung Back and Kim Yong Hun -- created a piece of software that could extract the "identity" of a film. It worked by detecting faces every 24 frames of a movie and then creating an average of all of the faces found in the frame. These faces were then layered over each other to create an average image for the entire movie. The artists told that the project -- called Portrait -- is a natural extension of their exploration of computer vision over the last few years.

"We were already familiar with this [overlaying and averaging] technique. Found Math. Synesthesia Spotlight: Visualizing Music. By Maria Popova What Vivaldi has to do with motion graphics, John Coltrane and skyscrapers of color. Synesthesia is a rare neurological condition that leads stimulation in one sensory pathway to trigger an experience in another. Basically, a short-circuiting in the brain that enables such strange phenomena like perceiving letters and numbers as inherently colored (color-graphemic synesthesia) or hearing sounds in response to visual motion. More than 60 types of synesthesia have been identified, with one of the most common being the cross-sensory experience of color and sound — “hearing” color or “seeing” music.

These neurological eccentricities, however, can often be a source of tremendous artistic inspiration. Today, we look at three mesmerizing near-synesthetic ways of experiencing sound and color. Michal’s latest film, One, is yet another vibrant journey into sonic color. Music moves, and can be understood just by listening. Share on Tumblr. Transit Time NYC: A Handy Interactive Visual Map With Pretty Colors.

Visualizing Irrationally Beautiful Numbers / GARAKAMI. From the pages of a textbook, mathematics often gets a bad rap for being either too stagnant or too perplexing. Scientists Cristian Ilies Vasile and Martin Krzywinski have found a way though to spark attention on some special numbers in math by creating colorful interpretations of them. Using a software designed for circular visualization called Circos, Vasile and Krzywinski have created a kaleidoscope of colors just from the digits of three mathematical constants: π (a ratio for a circle) , φ (the golden ratio), and e (Euler’s number).

First Vasile connected each digit of π (3.141592…) to its successive digit for the first 10,000 digits. He did this by color coding each digit (0-9), and then drawing a line going from the first digit 3 to the second digit 1, then 1 to 4, and so on. This is called a progression. Eventually beautiful patterns and shapes develop to expose the hidden beauty lying behind the plain old numbers. Immersion: a people-centric view of your email life. What does the World ask Google to censor? Infographics & Data Visualization |

Plateforme de veille et d'analyse Twitter. Les data en forme. Nouvel épisode des Data en forme et nouvelle livraison de visualisations de données. Au menu de cette semaine : de la Bretagne, du Luxembourg, de la Marine, des ballons, des tonalités de scarabées et des données exposées. Bon datappétit. Data vedette Rennes, ou un nouvel acteur du territoire plongeant dans le grand bain de la visualisation de données grand public. Les responsables de Rennes Métropole ont eu la bonne idée de se pencher sur celles et ceux qui peuplent leurs communes. Grâce au travail de Dataveyes, société spécialisée dans la visualisation de données, tout le monde, rennais ou non, peut aujourd’hui visualiser la répartition des différentes couches de la population sur cette partie du territoire breton via la web-application : “Qui sommes-nous ?” L’interface vous permet de définir votre profil (âge et sexe), vous pouvez ensuite facilement parcourir les données sur chaque commune en filtrant notamment par activité, profession et/ou état civil.

Mise en veille. Future - Science & Environment - Nobel Prizes: Is there a secret formula to winning one? We sift through the stats to discover the hidden factors behind capturing arguably the most prestigious prizes in the world. Genius, passion, hard work, and a little bit of luck – that’s what we are told sets Nobel prize recipients apart from us mere mortals. But could there be any secret, hidden factors that come into play? To find out, we’ve sifted through the vital statistics of all the winners since the very first Nobel prizes were awarded in 1901.

Does your birth-date matter? How about which university you ended up at? Or if you are a man (and let’s face facts, history tells us this is most likely to be the case), does having facial hair provide a little edge? And if you want to check out the data we used to construct this, you can find it here.

Filosofía del Derecho (Colombia): Gráfico de la Historia de la Filosofía. Por Jorge Luis Fabra Zamora ( Simon Raper (estadístico Mindshare Media, UK) realizó un interesante gráfico sobre la historia de la filosofía. Aquí está el link: El comenta: A close up of ancient and medieval philosophy ending at Descartes and Leibniz This one came about because I was searching for a data set on horror films (don’t ask) and ended up with one describing the links between philosophers.

To cut a long story very short I’ve extracted the information in the influenced by section for every philosopher on Wikipedia and used it to construct a network which I’ve then visualised using gephi It’s an easy process to repeat. British Empiricism, American Pragmatism and the analytical tradition It would be interesting to play with the number of groups picked out by the algorithm. No es díficil estar en desacuerdo con la gráfica -¿es realmente representativa?

Playlist: 6 beautiful talks by data artists. In the information age we have access to more data and knowledge than at any previous point in human history. But more accessible data doesn’t necessarily mean more processable data — tax returns, court cases and newspaper archives may be available to the public, but they are often hard to interpret and understand. Data artists process this mess of information for us and break it down into comprehensible pieces, often enhancing it by placing it in deeper contexts and by finding surprising patterns. The designers and artists below are on the cutting edge of this work, experimenting with new technologies to take numbers and facts and turn them into beautiful multimedia works of art and knowledge. Nathalie Miebach: Art made of stormsNathalie Miebach’s art is both beautiful and informative: she sculpts colorful models using weather data, and then converts this information into musical scores. Aaron Koblin: Artfully visualizing our humanityNumbers can humanize us.

AmCharts - JavaScript Chart Library. Deep Inside - A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars | Jon Millward - Blog. Sas is up to things. Data Visualization. The Postnational Monitor | Confucianist Nations and Sub-Sahara African Focused Affairs Site. CourtVision: The Year in Scoring - The Triangle Blog. Visualizing Every Meteorite Since 86 A.D. Data Insights in Basketball. Hate Map. Infographics & Data Visualization | This Is What Reddit Really Looks Like. Les data en forme. Les data en forme.

Les Data en forme. World Bank Dataviz. Les data en forme. IMDB's Top 50 Movies, Arranged By Genre. Personal Space.