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Koenigsegg 3D-Printing for Production Vehicles. Cyberpunk Spikes. 3D Printing Homes in Less Than 24 Hours Using Recycled Materials. This Could Be The Most Underrated Benefit Of 3D-Printing. L'arme imprimée en 3D est en chemin. Alors que la guerre pour/contre les armes est source de débat dans de nombreux pays, la technologie pourrait raviver quelque peu les discussions. Apparues il y a peu, très à la mode ces derniers temps, les imprimantes 3D peuvent imprimer tout ou presque tout, les armes y compris. « Defense Distributed », une association menée par l’étudiant Cody Wilson, était fière de se présenter comme les premiers à proposer un modèle d’arme à imprimer en 3D, dans une utilisation tout à fait personnelle.

DD avait conçu les fichiers d’un fusil d’assaut AR-15 et avait même réalisé une vidéo promotionnelle. Affirmant ne pas vouloir participer à « l’armement personnel » mais uniquement permettre « la libération de l’information », DD s’est offusqué lorsque Stratasys, le fabricant de l’imprimante 3D, a saisi ladite imprimante et annulé de facto la location par l’association. [slashgear] Une extension de peau avec capteurs intégrés ! La souplesse et l'élasticité font partie intégrante des nouvelles générations de matériel électronique. Grâce à cette récente maîtrise, les chercheurs ont mis au point une extension de peau bourrée de capteurs permettant de surveiller l'état de santé du porteur. La clef de cette technologie réside dans l’usage d’électrodes d’or ainsi que d’autres câbles à peine plus épais que quelques centaines de nanomètre.

Disposés de façon harmonieuse en serpentin sur des films de silicium extrêmement fins, ils sont ensuite couplés à des polymères étirables. Le secret vient également de cette disposition en serpentin, c’est elle qui permettra d’étirer le dispositif telle une seconde peau sur le derme du porteur. L’idée est d’user de technologie sans fil comme la NFC, les patchs transmettent alors les infos à un Smartphone, un grand classique. A l’avenir, la firme compte se recentrer sur le médical en créant des cathéters à ballonnet aptes à détecter les zones défectueuses du tissu cardiaque.

3D Chocolate Printer. Un robot imprimé en 3D digne des Autobots. L'impression 3D a le vent en poupe, la robotique a toujours fait rêver... Que diriez-vous donc de marier les deux ? Intéressant, n'est-ce pas ?! C'est en tout cas le pari que Brave Robotics a osé relever. Et le résultat est à la hauteur de toutes les espérances. Attention, magie à l'état pure ! Grâce à une bonne imprimante 3D et une grosse dose d’imagination, les chercheurs de Brave Robotics ont mis au point le robot Transformer le plus sophistiqué à l’heure actuelle.

Depuis 2002, l’équipe de Brave Robotics travaille sur ce projet. [theverge] Imprimer ses meubles IKEA, c'est possible ! Les meubles IKEA ont l'étonnante, et appréciable, faculté de se présenter en kits (relativement) simples à monter. Souvent design et très abordables, ils conviennent à bon nombre de personnes. Avec l'imprimante 3D cependant, il est tout aussi simple, si ce n'est davantage, de confectionner ses propres meubles IKEA. L’idée est venue à l’artiste de Montréal Samuel N. Bernier qui, après avoir cassé l’un de ses lampes, cherchait désespérément un modèle de remplacement. Résultat des courses, Bernier a conçu 12 modèles différents, réclamant chacun entre 4 et 12 heures d’impression, pour un poids inférieur à 100 grammes. [theverge] Des scientifiques impriment des cellules souches. C’est une première ! Des scientifiques ont produit des cellules souches d’embryons humains en utilisant une imprimante 3D. Oui, c’est étonnant et cette technique pourrait être utilisée pour reproduire des reins, des cœurs et d’autres organes dans le futur !

Une équipe de l’Université d’Heriot-Way en Ecosse a chargé des cellules souches à la place de l’encre d’une imprimante 3D et en utilisant une valve, ils ont déposé des cellules vivantes de manière à former un motif spécifique. Chaque gouttelette ne contenait que 5 cellules ou moins. Pour produire un amas de cellules, l’équipe a donc d’abord déposé des cellules puis les a recouvertes d’une bio-encre sans cellule. Les cellules se sont alors regroupées à l’intérieur de cette mini-sphère. Et ce qui est encore mieux, c’est que les organismes étaient capables de se différentier, ce qui signifie qu’ils pouvaient former n’importe quel type de tissu. Pourquoi est-ce si important ? Photos : Colin Hattersly, Will Shu/Biofabrication. Recréer une oreille à l'aide d'une imprimante 3D. Jamais nous n'aurions été aussi près du fantasme évoquant la possibilité de recréer des parties du corps humain à l'aide de la technologie.

Désormais, une imprimante 3D pourrait aider à réaliser ce genre d'opérations. Le potentiel des nouvelles imprimantes 3D paraît désormais sans fin. Des chercheurs de l’université de Cornell ont réussi à prouver qu’il était possible de créer une oreille en usant d’une telle imprimante et d’une injection de cellules vivantes. Cette trouvaille, si elle n’en est encore qu’à ses balbutiements, pourrait permettre aux ingénieurs en biomédecine d’imprimer des oreilles destinées aux nouveaux-nés ayant hérité d’une malformation à ce niveau. Aussi, on pourra imaginer que la technologie sera en mesure de se destiner aux personnes ayant perdu une oreille, du fait d’un accident ou d’une maladie. L’utilisation d’une imprimante 3D permettra la création d’un moule souple de l’oreille, dans lequel on injecterait du gel de collagène modifié, produisant du cartilage. Nanoscale 3D printed Microstructures. How to 3-D Print the Skeleton of a Living Animal | Wired Science.

The skeleton above was created by taking a CT scan of an anesthetized rat and sending the data to a 3-D printer. Similar life-size models of body parts from other animals or human patients could be used to train veterinary and medical students and to help surgeons prepare for difficult surgeries, the researchers say. The idea to print skeletons from CT scans came from Evan Doney, an engineering student working in the lab of Matthew Leevy, who runs the biological imaging facility at the University of Notre Dame. ”At first I didn’t really know what the killer app would be, I just knew it would be really cool,” Leevy said. But he began to see new possibilities after striking up a conversation with an ear, nose, and throat specialist during an office visit for a sinus problem.

“I actually got out my computer and showed him some slides, and by the end of it we were collaborating.” X-ray CT (top) and stereolithographic (bottom) renderings used to produce the rat skeleton above. L'invisibilité possible grâce aux imprimantes 3D ! Printable A3-sized solar cells hit a new milestone in green energy. Imagine a future where solar panels speed off the presses, like newspaper. Australian scientists have brought us one step closer to that reality. Researchers from the Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium (VICOSC) have developed a printer that can print 10 metres of flexible solar cells a minute.

Unlike traditional silicon solar cells, printed solar cells are made using organic semi-conducting polymers, which can be dissolved in a solvent and used like an ink, allowing solar cells to be printed. Not only can the VICOSC machine print flexible A3 solar cells, the machine can print directly on to steel, opening up the possibility for solar cells to be embedded directly into building materials. "Eventually we see these being laminated to windows that line skyscrapers," said David Jones, a researcher at University of Melbourne who is involved with the work.

In 2010, a team at MIT unveiled a paper solar cell that could be folded into a paper aeroplane and still function. State Department Orders 3D-Printed Guns Pulled, Pirate Bay Steps In. Blueprint files for the world’s first fully 3D-printed gun were pulled offline this week after the State Department requested Defense Distributed founder Cody Wilson pull them from his website. The gun, dubbed the Liberator, was being hosted on DEFCAD , a website created by Wilson to host files for firearms and other potentially controversial items, where it was downloaded over 100,000 times before the takedown.

But never fear, digitally minded anarcho-libertarians; thanks to the Pirate Bay , you can still get your guns. That colossus of torrented content is also hosting Wilson’s designs, and has no intention of removing them. “TPB has for close to 10 years been operating without taking down one single torrent due to pressure from the outside. And it will never start doing that,” a source within the organization told TorrentFreak . “We think the whole idea of a printable object is interesting. 3d Printed Merlin Style Steadicam: MO-FLO 1.0.

Let me introduce the MO-FLO 1.0, another one of my entries into the world of DIY camera stabilization equipment. The MO-FLO, short for MOVIE and FLOW, is a 3d printed Merlin style steadicam. In case you're new to the subject, Steadicam is a trademarked name for a company that produces camera stabilization equipment. When you search for DIY steadicam stuff on the internet, you'll find tons of resources. You can also search "steadycam" with a "y" and find more of the same stuff. Some people will cause a fuss about using the word steadicam, but when it really comes down to it, it's like asking for a kleenex when all you really need is a tissue. Anyway.... Many DIY designs on the internet are based on the simple elements of the Merlin Steadicam. Don't get me wrong..... it is a nice piece of equipment, but it's a huge investment.

My adventure begins....... Don't forget to check out example footage captured using the MO-FLO 1.0. Top 10 3D Printed Objects. Things have come a long way from printing 2D, and whilst paper and ink cartridges still have their place – 3D is where it’s at. The world is now about to change beyond all recognition. That is a bit of a sweeping statement, isn’t it? However, if we look at the list of some of the top objects printed out on 3D printers you will see how this new technology could change the world as we know it. 10. Ok, so a tea cup isn’t exactly the most exciting or life changing object in the world. 9. The great thing about this 3D printed chess set is that you can look inside the rook and see how incredibly detailed it is, as the spiral staircase winds its way down. 8.

There have been a few different models of guitar printed off using 3D printers and they look amazing, if rather unorthodox. 7. You didn’t know you wanted to print off Tom Hanks, did you? 6. The Making of Onitsuka Electric Tiger Shoe 5. A 3D printed key might not sound all that exciting but just think about the consequences for a second. 4. Handvas. Hot Pop Factory's 3D-Printed Jewelry. Our love and admiration for Hot Pop Factory and their 3D printing skills is well documented (here and here), and the Toronto-based duo behind the brand, Bi-Ying Miao and Matthew Compeau, continue to push the envelope with 3D printing and their mission of designing collections of geometric goodness, including one of the latest that 3D prints wood. Lucky for us, they’ve agreed to walk us through the process of creating their recently launched, one of a kind collections, Boreal and Platonix, in this month’s Deconstruction.

Digital sketches of the Boreal Pendant design – with variations that are algorithmically generated. Each Boreal pendant variation is made on a 3D printer using a composite material consisting of recycled cherry wood and polymer. The 3D printed wood actually emanates the slightest scent of charred wood during the printing process.

Each pendant’s form is defined by a soft curvature and heat-induced striations which, like fingerprints, are unique to every piece. DIY high resolution 3D DLP printer (3D printer) 3D Print a Protein: Modeling a Molecular Machine. This instructable was inspired by a great walkthrough by Jessica Polka over at I wanted to give it greater exposure to the layman, so I'd like to give credit where credit is due! Enjoy. Atoms. Molecules. Proteins. These words may ring a distant bell from high school chemistry, dredging up dusty recollections of copying figures from ancient and incomprehensible textbooks.

Assignments drawing multitudes of straight lines from letter to atomic letter. But… I hope to intrigue you just enough with this Instructable to turn around and take one last look at the world of molecules and proteins in a more modern and accurate way, and appreciate the awesome world of little molecular machines that come together and make life happen. Hands on experiences and demonstrations are the cornerstone of good teaching and effective learning. Get ready to have some fun! 3D Printed Camera : OpenReflex. The Open Reflex, a research about desktop 3D printing, open design and hacking.100% Open-Source ! Fell free to copy, understand, improve then share again ! RIGHT NOW ON KISSKISSBANKBANK (french Kickstarter-like) !

Help me to make an improved V2 ! Pledge here : OpenReflexV2 ! The OpenReflex is an Open-Source analog camera with a mirror Viewfinder and an awesome finger activated mechanic shutter (running ~ 1/60°s). What's more, it's compatible with any photographic lens with custom mount ring. The Thingiverse copy is online, if you wanna share your remixed version.

The WIP is available on my blog : [fr] This project is the continuation of my 3D-Printed Pinhole Box I made 2 years ago with an first gen Makerbot. I'd like to buy one ? For the 3D-Printing Contest : This camera is the result of my graduation project, i made it using my school's 3D printer. For the Epilog Contest : For this project I was lucky enough to have 3D Printer at my disposal. 1: 3-D printed prosthetics | 9 Ways 3-D Printing Makes The World Better. You’ve heard it before: 2011 2012 2013 is the year of 3-D printing. The future is here! The individual will wrench manufacturing power from the global industrial complex! Basement hobbyists, programmers, and nerds unite! Anyone with the machine and the know-how can be their own engineer, designer, maker. Sounds great, right? Still, a lot of what’s been done with 3-D printing doesn’t exactly fill me with hope about its supposed revolutionary potential.

For every 3-D printed action figure and Colbert head the technology has brought into the world, you get another print-ready bong or stupidly complex corset thing. On the other hand, scientists, surgeons, and other professionals and specialists have made significant headway in applying 3-D printing as a truly useful--not just diversionary--technology. So what happens when you mix the consumer-driven approach of the former with the social, humanist imperative of the latter?

See more of these 3-D printed prosthetics in the above slide show. 3D-Printed Wearable Devices Turn Human Bodies Into Musical Instruments. Five amazing things you didn’t know 3D printer could print | DamnGeeky. MIT researchers successful in printing ‘flexible’ 3D objects | DamnGeeky. 3D-Printed Drone Fleet Can Form Like Voltron. New Zealander builds 3D printed Aston Martin DB4 you can ride | DamnGeeky. UPS to Offer In-Store 3D Printing. Home 3D printers take us on a maddening journey into another dimension. 3D animated and printable structures built from cellular automata #3DThursday #3DPrinting. How 3D Printing Will Impact the Web. How 3-D Printing Might Revolutionize Amazon's Same-Day Delivery. 3D Printing of Preclinical X-ray Computed Tomographic Data Sets. 3D-Printed Paintings Of Nanomolecular Structures By Shane Hope. Future Spacecraft Will Be 3-D Printed--In Space, By Robots. LumiFold, the foldable photo-activated resin based 3D Printer. Espresso Book Machine. Espresso Book Machine | Search For Books | On Demand Books.

3D: Printing the Future Exhibition. 3D printing loosens CGI’s iron grip on movie special effects. Kinematics. Complain about overpriced plastic dingus and a stranger will model a free 3D printable version. The EX¹ - rapid 3D printing of circuit boards by Cartesian Co. New laser-printed material is lighter than water, as strong as steel. Molding rubber for a pre-production prototype using a 3D printed model.

Printing ideas into 3D reality: Miles O'Brien reports on what's next in 3D printing for PBS NewsHour.