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DIY Projects « Fossil Blog. DIY Sweat-sacoche diy-laptop-sweat – the Trendy Girl. Doctor Who Custom Cubeecraft Templates by CyberDrone on deviantART. Fenris Designs - Steampunk Goggles: A Tutorial. July 10th, 2008 Steampunk: a fanmade subculture that emphasizes on Neo-Victorian aesthetic.

Fenris Designs - Steampunk Goggles: A Tutorial

A world of steam engines, clockworks, polished brass, and unpolished leather. Every fandom has its signature tchotchke. Ravers have their glowsticks, furries have their pointy ears, Renaissance festers have Styrofoam swords. What does that leave steampunkers? Yep. Congratulations! DIY Flower Halo.

You’ll start by cutting 2 circles from the piece of felt at approximately 2″ in diameter.

DIY Flower Halo

Form the wires of your halo by molding and bending each piece into a half circle. Lay the two half circles opposite of each other to create a single circle, laying it over the top of your head to check the fit. Wrap floral tape over 2 sections of overlapping wire at 11 o’clock and 3 o’clock. Trim any overlapping pieces with the wire cutters. (Click images to enlarge) Using the wire cutters, cut the stem off the flower making sure the back is flat. The possibilities are endless with this as you can wrap flowers around half or the entire perimeter of the halo, reinforcing with glue. Your flower halo is ready to wear!

(images by Honestly…WTF) 25 clever ideas to make life easier. Via: Why didn’t I think of that?!

25 clever ideas to make life easier

We guarantee you’ll be uttering those words more than once at these ingenious little tips, tricks and ideas that solve everyday problems … some you never knew you had! (Above: hull strawberries easily using a straw). Via: Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes. Via: Remove crayon masterpieces from your TV or computer screen with WD40 (also works on walls). Via: Stop cut apples browning in your child’s lunch box by securing with a rubber band.


Il me va comme un gant ! : Et pour cause...

Il me va comme un gant ! :

C'en est un ! Le Mâm' Sca'lett du gant, vous connaissez ? Après le doudou chaussette, une idée qui fait un pied de nez aux mitaines enrhumées ! Nonnn... Regardez comme il est adorable ce doudou aux doigts de fée ! Une idée à croquer, née sous les doigts agiles de Miyako Kanamori. Où comment recycler tout en douceur l'ultime gant de Poupette, gardé dans l'hypothétique espoir d'un retour de son jumeau... Et de vos mains agiles rendre vie à cet esseulé. Un doudou doigts doux. ******