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Terre globale: une humanité au même niveau

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The Nordic countries: The next supermodel. Prioritize... Zeitgeist. World Citizen... What is a person? A number of Sentient Developments readers have asked what I mean when I refer to non-human persons and the personhood spectrum.

What is a person?

It's a fair question, and to be honest, I have yet to see a satisfying personhood taxonomy with an attendant list of traits that fully circumscribe the personhood continuum. I consider this an incredibly important issue as we move into a 'transhuman condition' and as we work to give non-human animals greater moral consideration. If I ever go back to school I think this will be a likely topic for a thesis. A big question I would like to answer is, should personhood status be described as a spectrum or as a definitive, fixed state.

In other words, are dolphins and bonobos as much persons as a genetically modified and cyborgized transhuman? As for defining and circumscribing personhood, a number of thinkers have tried to give it a shot. Further, as Linda MacDonald Glenn noted in her paper, "When Pigs Fly? Support the Great Ape Project. BRUNOMARION.NET. Et si Darwin s'était trompé... 1. Portail de la Décroissance. Trois plaidoyers pour une démondialisation. Avant la crise de 2008, les choses étaient simples.

Trois plaidoyers pour une démondialisation

Il y avait les chantres de la "mondialisation heureuse", de la croissance sans limites, du fameux « win win » qui permettait aux pauvres de s'enrichir et aux riches (les Occidentaux) de rester riches. C'était une telle évidence que presque tout le monde chantait la partition, économistes, politiques, entrepreneurs, intellectuels. Seul un petit village gaulois, à l'extrême gauche du monde, criait à l'imposture alors que les altermondialistes critiquaient, non la mondialisation, mais la façon dont elle prospérait.

C'étaient au mieux des idéalistes, au pire des révolutionnaires. Aujourd'hui, les choses se brouillent, du moins en Occident. Modérer impérativement un système financier devenu fouPar Arnaud Montebourg, député et candidat aux primaires de la gauche. La crise est systémique, elle s'est propagée partout de la sphère financière à la sphère réelle. La démondialisation financière n'est pas un extrémisme d'un genre nouveau. Consumption and Consumerism. Author and Page information Global inequality in consumption, while reducing, is still high.

Consumption and Consumerism

Using latest figures available, in 2005, the wealthiest 20% of the world accounted for 76.6% of total private consumption. The poorest fifth just 1.5%: Breaking that down slightly further, the poorest 10% accounted for just 0.5% and the wealthiest 10% accounted for 59% of all the consumption: In 1995, the inequality in consumption was wider, but the United Nations also provided some eye-opening statistics (which do not appear available, yet, for the later years) worth noting here: Today’s consumption is undermining the environmental resource base. . — Human Development Report 1998 Overview, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) — Emphasis Added. If they were available, it would likely be that the breakdowns shown for the 1995 figures will not be as wide in 2005.

And consider the following, reflecting world priorities: How are the products and resources we consume actually produced? Tobacco Obesity.