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Punypng - PNG Image Optimization and Compression - Gracepoint Af. 8 Excellent Tools for Optimizing Your Images | Six Revisions. By Jacob Gube One of the easiest ways to reduce page response times is by optimizing your website images to reduce their file sizes as much as possible. Optimizing images not only makes your web pages load faster, but also reduces your bandwidth consumption, which can translate to significant savings in your hosting bills. There are several free tools available at your disposal to shrink and optimize images.

In this article, you will find convenient and user-friendly tools for making your web images as tiny in file size as possible. 1.!! Makes optimization of your images a breeze. RIOT – which stands for Radical Image Optimization Tool – is an image optimizer for Windows users that is available as a standalone application or as an extension of IrfanView. Created by game programmer Ken Silverman, PNGOUT is a popular, free, and no-frills tool for lossless optimization of your images. 4. 5. 6. PNGGauntlet is a .NET GUI application for PNGOUT. 7. 8. Related content. Convert, Edit, and Compose Images. | Create animated Gifs online in seconds | Upload file. AnimatedGif.Net: free Animated Gifs web graphics free images ani.