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Linux Blog - How To Dual Boot OS X and Linux. Nsound/INSTALL at master · gardaud/nsound. Apprenez à programmer en Python. Building and installing Nsound — Nsound v0.8.2 documentation. Binary installers In most cases, the best way to install Nsound on your system is by using an installable binary Python package for your operating system. Windows As of nsound-0.9.0, support for building with Vistual Studio 2010+ on 64-bits is now supported. Building on 32-bits is no longer tested as I no longer have access to a 32-bit Windows. Linux No binary packages are currently available. But your Linux box in most cases already has all the tools needed to build and install Nsound. Mac OS X No binary packages are currently available. Compiling the C++ Library Uncompress the Nsound archive:$ tar xfz nsound-0.9.0.tar.gzExecute the SCons tool: SCons will query your computer for specific information about the build environment and generate a few files. To get help with scons, do: $ scons --help scons: Reading SConscript files ...

On Windows: Compiling Nsound From The Command Line replacing USERNAME with your username. On Windows: Compiling Nsound C++ library Using Visual Studio Cygwin Notes. Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Emacs - Jessica Hamrick. I’ve been using Emacs () as my primary text editor for several years now. It takes some getting used to – the keyboard shortcuts are completely different from what you’re probably familiar with, e.g. Ctrl-C for copy and Ctrl-V for paste. Despite the somewhat steep initial learning curve, however, I find that Emacs is invaluable for rapid coding and for flexibly editing all different types of files in the same environment.

I remember how overwhelming it was to figure out how to do anything when I first got started, so in this tutorial I’m going to aim to give you the basics to get started. This tutorial is mainly for people who have primarily used GUI text editors and coding environments and are not used to a primarily text-based program, running commands in the editor itself, and/or using large amounts of keyboard shortcuts. For reference, here is the list of shortcuts I’ll be introducing in this tutorial: Opening Emacs Keyboard Shortcuts There are two very important keys in Emacs. Search. Overview — Python v3.3.1 documentation. Using Python to Generate Art and Sound — pydanny-event-notes 45 documentation. Generate Audio With Python - (bluehat) Music Theory - Genetic Algorithms and Python. Arduino pour bien commencer en électronique et en programmation.

Bienvenue à toutes et à tous pour un tutoriel sur l'électronique et l'informatique ensemble ! Depuis que l’électronique existe, sa croissance est fulgurante et continue encore aujourd’hui. Si bien que faire de l’électronique est devenu accessible à toutes personnes en ayant l’envie. Mais, le manque de cours simples sur le net ou en libraire empêche la satisfaction des futurs électroniciens amateurs ou professionnels et parfois empêche certains génies à se révéler ( ). C’est pourquoi je souhaite intervenir contre cette insuffisance et écris ce cours sur l’électronique et la programmation.

Ce que nous allons apprendre aujourd'hui est un mélange d'électronique et de programmation. Nous allons, dans un premier temps, voir ce qu'est l'électronique et la programmation. Plan du cours Je vais détailler un peu le plan du cours. Apprentissage des bases Le cours est composé de façon à ce que les bases essentielles soient regroupées dans les premières parties. Ce n'est pas tout ! IdleBlog | Le blog d'idleman: dev, graphisme, conception, analyse projet.