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Google Tips, Guides, and Resources. Foreword How to use this resource For newer users of Google+ (G+), it may help to skim through Section 1 on “Getting Started” and pick several items from “Overview”.

Google Tips, Guides, and Resources

The remainder of these pages can be referred to as needed after you become more comfortable and familiar with Google+. Google For Educators. 6 Tools to Create a Google Plus Profile Widget for Your Site. Google+ is in many ways the hottest social network in these days.

6 Tools to Create a Google Plus Profile Widget for Your Site

It’s reported to have gotten 25 million users faster than any other social network, and has already seen a lot of engagement from popular users. Whether it’s found a place in your social networking life or not, Google+ can definitely be another great way to promote your products and site, just like Facebook, Twitter, and more. While Facebook has an official badge creator, Google+ is yet to provide the same.