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The Other Half Digital Showcase. On February 9th 2014, 50.3% of the Swiss voters expressed their desire to regulate the so called «mass immigration» by voting for a law limiting free movement of persons and workers between Switzerland and the EU.

The Other Half Digital Showcase

In response to this, we created a digital showcase of contemporary Switzerland to show Europe and the world that our country is proud, mixed, open-minded and cohesive. Idea In order to give a voice to the 49.7%, we created digital tools to amplify their discontent and break out of their disappointment, shame and silence by expressing themselves in a meaningful and creative way.

Results 10.000 Facebook fans in 1 week and total of 200.000 people reached. The project started with 1 creative wanting to express his disappointment with the vote, and turned into a 11.500-strong digital crowd and more than 100.000 people who joined and spread it outside the web. We are The Other Half. Hinz und Kunzt: Stamp up for the Homeless. Homeless people have to struggle with a lot of things: Coldness, Hunger, Violence.

Hinz und Kunzt: Stamp up for the Homeless

But especially with prejudices. Not from a small group of people, but from broad levels of the population. Fitting to its 20th anniversary, the street paper Hinz&Kunzt from Hamburg wanted to set a sign against the discrimination of homeless people. Label stamps. Civil Sector of Euromaidan: Silent Scream. Silent Scream – Ukraine’s people won’t be silent.

Civil Sector of Euromaidan: Silent Scream

Ogilvy Duesseldorf and Ogilvy Ukraine supported the “Civil Sector of Euromaidan“ in it´s peaceful protest by creating Silent Scream, a mask which became a symbol for Ukraine’s call for independence and freedom of speech. It was and still is a part of the Ukraine peoples’ protests. Credits. Sounds from Torture. Misereor PlaCard - Spenden mit der Kreditkarte. Seit 1958 leistet das Hilfswerk MISEREOR weltweit Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe.

Misereor PlaCard - Spenden mit der Kreditkarte

Um die Spendenbereitschaft der Menschen zu steigern, macht die Hamburger Agentur Kolle Rebbe das Spenden so einfach wie noch nie: Die Kreativen entwickelten das erste interaktive Spendenplakat, das Kreditkarten akzeptiert und auf dem Digitaldisplay die Wirkung der Spende direkt erlebbar macht: Das Misereor PlaCard. Zieht man die Kreditkarte durch den im digitalen Plakat integrierten Leseschlitz, spendet man mit nur einer einfachen Handbewegung zwei Euro an MISEREOR. Gleichzeitig aktiviert und steuert die Karte mehrere nacheinander ablaufende Filmsequenzen, die das Resultat der Spende unmittelbar zeigen: Man durchtrennt mit der Karte zum Beispiel die gefesselten Hände eines philippinischen Gefängniskindes.

Oder man sichert das tägliche Brot einer Familie in Peru, indem man eine Scheibe Brot von einem Brotlaib abschneidet. Fundação Pró-Sangue: Phone Recharger. Save The Children: If London Were Syria PSA. If London Were Syria Save The Children has launched a new video campaign that asks you to imagine what London would be like it is what embroiled in a conflict similar to that of Syria.

Save The Children: If London Were Syria PSA

The shocking second a day video features close-ups of a young girl as she goes to school and enjoys a typical day in a peaceful Britain, only for things take a darker path when bombs start raining down and food becomes scarce, with her life, security, happiness and health crumbling around her. It closes with the words: Just because it isn’t happening here, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

This second a day Video was launched in the run-up to the three-year anniversary of the conflict, in which, to date, 10,000 children have lost their lives and 2.3 million people have become refugees. Client: Save The Children UKAdvertising Agency: Don’t Panic, London, UK. Laut Gegen Nazis with the Like Attack. Laut Gegen Nazis and Jung von Matt confronted the NPD nazi-party with its greatest fear by infiltrateing their facebook site with foreigners.

Laut Gegen Nazis with the Like Attack

Credits. 60 Powerful Social Issue Ads That'll Make You Stop And Think. Das 2 Euro-T-Shirt: Ein soziales Experiment. Anlässlich des Fashion Revolution Day am 24.

Das 2 Euro-T-Shirt: Ein soziales Experiment

April hat die Organisation Fashion Revolution ein geniales Experiment durchgeführt: Würden die Leute Billig-Mode kaufen, wenn sie wüssten, wie sie produziert wurde? Das Ergebnis ist überraschend. Die Fashion-Revolution-Truppe aus Berlin stellte mitten in der Stadt einen Automaten auf, an dem Passanten (vermeintlich) T-Shirts für 2 Euro kaufen konnten.

Das Interesse scheint, wenn man sie das Video des Experiments ansieht, zunächst erschreckend groß. Doch wer zwei Euro einwarf, bekam statt des T-Shirts auf einem Bildschirm erst einmal schockierende Bilder der Produktionsstätten gezeigt. Viele derjenigen, die kurz zuvor noch ein Billig-Shirt haben wollten, spendeten ihre 2 Euro nun der Fashion-Revolution-Bewegung. Am Fashion Revolution Day, der auf die Arbeitsbedingungen in der Textilbranche aufmerksam machen möchte, werden in allen sozialen Medien Bilder der in den Kleidern eingenähten Etiketten gesammelt – mit dem Hashtag #whomademyclothes. The Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation: Hair-Raising Message. Responsible Young Drivers Campaign. DiGi: Distracting Thumb for Road Safety. Google-Ergebnis für.

Google-Ergebnis für. An Autocomplete Commentary on Gender Inequality. Cigarettes Kill: This is another really effective anti smoking campaign which is very emotive and shocks the consumer with the hard facts of the ef…