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Expect Labs. CircleMe Private Beta. Badgeville adds social fabric analysis to its gamification suite. Gamification company Badgeville has made a big splash in the past year by helping web sites better engage visitors through game-like features such as leaderboards and badges. Now it is taking a step further and adding behavioral analysis to help its clients better understand their users. Analyzing users’ behavior isn’t about milking them dry or invading their privacy. Rather, it’s about showing them things they really like or really want to buy, based on friendships, interests and past behavior. Companies like Zynga and Facebook can do this easily, but Badgeville will make the tools for behavior analysis available more broadly.

The Menlo Park, Calif. -based company calls this new platform its Social Fabric, which brings the social interactions found on sites like Facebook and Twitter to any web property. “We are democratizing the techniques that drive user engagement,” said Kris Duggan, chief executive of Badgeville, in an interview. Editions by AOL - The Magazine That Reads You. TargetAPI - behavioral targeting solution and content personalization technology. Zite: Personalized Magazine for iPad. Get the hottest trends from your friends. How does Amazon's collaborative-filtering recommendation engine work. Inveni Epipheo. A Screencast demo of the Robot in action - TaggingRobot Blog. Appsfire.

Duine Documentation - Getting Started (1) Introduction This section describes the Duine Demo application. It is a simple java client application that uses a recommender to calculate predictions about a user's interest in movies, and to process feedback by a user about movies. For your convenience we have provided 2 distributions of this demo application: The duine-movielens-* distribution contains all demo sources and binaries, including all jar dependencies. You can run it from the command line. All runtime files are in the classes and lib directories. The duine-movielens-*-maven distribution contains a ready to use Maven project, including the demo sources. The Duine Framework can work with all relational databases that are supported by Hibernate . Note that this demo application does not require an initial dataset, it starts with empty databases. Unpack the duine-movielens-* distribution of your choice. If you want to run against MySQL you will have to update the configuration file

Run Explanation. Joe Repka's Personal News Page.