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Videos/Independent Learning

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Free fraction videos online. Enjoy free online math videos on these fraction topics: (Fraction videos, part 2, are on this page.) The videos are recorded in high-density (HD) and are viewable both here as well as at my Youtube channel. These videos are usable for students, teachers, and parents. You can use them... To learn these topics yourself (if you're a student for example, or an adult needing a refresher)As lesson plans for teaching these topics. Often, one video from below can be made into several lessons with students. The videos match the lessons in my book Math Mammoth Fractions 1 (Blue Series book), or the lessons in chapter 5 of Grade 5-B (Light Blue series).

Mixed numbers to fractions and vice versa I explain both the visual models and the shortcuts for converting mixed numbers to fractions or fractions to mixed numbers. To convert a mixed number to a fraction, divide the whole "pies" into pieces (the same kind of pieces as what the fractional part indicates), then figure out how many pieces you have. Home | QuizSlides. Activities. Wired Math - Games, Lessons, and Resources for Grades 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Waldomaths - mathematical applets and videos for 11- to 19-year-olds. Videos By Topic. Free Homework Help Videos from Brightstorm - Math, Science, Test Prep - Brightstorm. Practical Algebra Lessons.