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Créer un avatar en ligne gratuitement - Index. Light Sculptures by Diet Wiegman. Mandala Monogram #1. Bienvenue - Tout en un applications en ligne dans le nuage - OffiDocs. Online Editor. Create online PPT presentation - OffiPPT - OffiDocs. You can create PPT presentations and slides with our app OffiPPT Online. It is a software similar to Microsoft Powerpoint online.

Click in the following button to create a new presentation: - PPT slides editor to also create, modify and display PPT slides written using OpenOffice Impress, LibreOffice Impress or Microsoft Powerpoint.- Styles management with different font sizes, font colours and background colours.- Insert and delete multiple objects: tables or images.- Search for texts.- Slides preview.- Advanced find & replace functionalities with regular expressions and special characters.- Export to PDF from PPT.- Formats supported are the standard .odp but OffiPPT can also open some formats among the list depicted in the LibreOffice official documentation: - Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP (.ppt)- Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx)- LibreOffice ODF presentation (.odp)- OpenOffice ODF presentation (.odp)

: 5 Maths Gems #87. Welcome to my 87th gems post. This is where I share some of the latest news, ideas and resources for maths teachers. 1. Regular Recall Starting a lesson with mixed topic questions seems to be fairly common practice these days. Many teachers use resources like Corbett Maths 5 a Day. Taking this idea a step further, some teachers on Twitter have recently shared examples of tasks where students are asked a question on what they did last lesson, last week, last term and last year.

And here's an earlier example from @JonONeillMaths, who was inspired by the original idea in @87History's blog post about retrieval challenge practice grids. This is one of those rare ideas that works well in most subjects. 2. They've also recently added a couple of Higher AQA-style papers to Set A and some helpful GCSE worksheets. Another useful set of resources on CrashMaths is for the Edexcel A level large data set. 3. 4. Over last couple of years I have used 'What Went Wrong?

' 5. Donner le goût des histoires en maternelle : les sacs à histoire. Un nouvel outil gratuit pour le TBI, créé par Orphys. Orphys, le papa du site rallye-lecture ou Matheros, vient de sortir un nouveau bijou. C’est un nouvel outil, gratuit, pour le TBI. Il est accessible sous forme d’un widget depuis Le Petit Bureau, sa page d’accueil maitre/élève personnalisable (gratuite aussi). Comme tout ce que fait Orphys, c’est magnifique et pile poil adapté à nos besoins. A l’ouverture, une page blanche s’affiche. Orphys a aussi prévu des dizaines (centaines) de petits outils à afficher pour lire l’heure, manipuler les dizaines ou la droite graduée, afficher des lignes seyes ou des modèles de lettres à tracer, afficher des fonds de carte, des tableaux de numération ou de conversion, de la monnaie… Je ne sais pas par où commencer et j’oublie tellement de choses que je vous invite à regarder cette petite vidéo qui vous dira (presque) tout :

80pistes. Créer votre questionnaire : en ligne, facile et gratuit. PDF4Teachers | Accueil. Login. Columbus in America - Zinn Education Project. Columbus in America is the best and most comprehensive film on the history of Columbus — and the uses and abuses of the so-called discovery of America. It is a story of racist violence and unspeakable cruelty. But it is also the strange story of how this mission of colonial conquest was appropriated as a day of Italian pride, a defiant yet sad assertion that “We’re American, too.” Columbus in America explores the history of what transpired in 1492 and after, and how “Columbus” has been used throughout U.S. history to legitimate the marginalization of Indigenous peoples. However, the film is ultimately hopeful, as it focuses on how the victims of Columbus and those who came after have themselves targeted “Columbus in America” to assert their humanity, their history, and their rights.

The film is too long for most classroom uses, but there are lots of excerpts that could be used effectively. The filmmaker notes, View in Full for Free Trailer Produced by Pug Media. Light Sculptures by Diet Wiegman. Numerique Dossier de synthese du Cnesco. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | Official Campaign Website. Accueil - UNESCO Bibliothèque Numérique.