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The Low Dose Naltrexone Homepage. FDA-approved naltrexone, in a low dose, can normalize the immune system — helping those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and central nervous system disorders.

The Low Dose Naltrexone Homepage

USC Researchers Discover How to Regenerate Your Entire Immune System in 72 Hours. The immune system is something that is highly misunderstood not just by everyday people but also by the many conventional doctors who we dep...

USC Researchers Discover How to Regenerate Your Entire Immune System in 72 Hours

The immune system is something that is highly misunderstood not just by everyday people but also by the many conventional doctors who we depend on for health advice. Most people resort to things like synthetic vitamins and medicines (ignoring better natural alternatives) to deal with colds and improve immunity, but the cycle of sickness always seems to continue. For people with compromised immune systems, there are many natural options, and now researchers have discovered what could well be one of the best ways to reset and recharge your immune system; one that happens to be free and is believed to work even in the elderly as well.

Three Days to a Whole New Immune System? Believe In Boswellia - Reviving Ancient Wisdom. Empathy Is Killed By Popular Painkiller Found In 600 Different Drugs. The Forbidden Vitamin B15. Breakthrough: Researchers Cure Type I Diabetes With No Side Effects. The discovery, made at The University of Texas Health Science Center, increases the types of pancreatic cells that secrete insulin.

Breakthrough: Researchers Cure Type I Diabetes With No Side Effects

In Type ... The discovery, made at The University of Texas Health Science Center, increases the types of pancreatic cells that secrete insulin. In Type 1 diabetes, people must theoretically take daily insulin shots because their bodies don't produce any insulin, and is most commonly diagnosed in children and young adults. This makes up less than 10 per cent of all diabetic cases. A study published in Diabetologia found a correlation between serum levels of vitamin D3 and subsequent incidence of Type 1 diabetes.

They found that deficiency in vitamin D may be associated with an increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes. The risk of insulin-requiring diabetes was 3.5 times higher in individuals with the lowest Vitamin D concentrations compared with those with the highest. The 8 Most Dangerous Medicines on Earth... Are You Taking Any of These? - Waking Times Media. Many “Western” medicines are made in laboratories using chemicals and are highly experimental, and worse yet, they’re never tested on humans.

The 8 Most Dangerous Medicines on Earth... Are You Taking Any of These? - Waking Times Media

S. D. Wells, Natural NewsWaking Times Media. Mysterious compound called “F19” discovered by Israeli researchers to kill antibiotic-resistant superbugs without encouraging resistance. MIT Scientist Explains Why Modern Wheat is Causing So Many Health Problems. Anna Hunt, StaffWaking Times The use of Monsanto’s Round-up herbicide has increased substantially over the last 40 years.

MIT Scientist Explains Why Modern Wheat is Causing So Many Health Problems

Many researchers are starting to believe that increased use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-up, correlates to the rise in many modern diseases. According to Dr. Study: Manuka Honey Kills More Bacteria than All Available Antibiotics. Particular compounds, like methylglyoxal, in the Manuka honey cause multi-system failure in bacteria, killing them before they are able to adapt and build up immunity.

Study: Manuka Honey Kills More Bacteria than All Available Antibiotics

Untitled. These Diseases Are All Caused by Microwave Ovens — And You’ve Probably Ignored Them. Did you know that over 90% of American homes regularly use microwave ovens for meal preparation?

These Diseases Are All Caused by Microwave Ovens — And You’ve Probably Ignored Them

M... Did you know that over 90% of American homes regularly use microwave ovens for meal preparation? Microwave ovens pulse electromagnetic waves through food, exciting the molecules and causing them to move, vibrate and heat up as they respond to the microwave radiation. It is a device called a Magnetron in the microwave oven that produces wave energy. This wave energy converts polarity of molecules from positive to negative. This polarity changes millions of times every second in the microwave oven. This heats the food but at the same time causes ‘structural isomerism’ - structural damage of the food molecules. Explosive: Here's The Real Reason Holistic Doctors Are Being Killed. Before proceeding to this article, please note that the total number of holistic & alternative d...

Explosive: Here's The Real Reason Holistic Doctors Are Being Killed

Before proceeding to this article, please note that the total number of holistic & alternative doctors found dead in the last month and a half has risen up to nine. There are also five more that are still missing. GRAYLIND INDUSTRIES IS THE WORLD LEADER IN QUANTUM APPLICATION. 8 Exotic Superfoods to Boost Your Immune System. Acai berries (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) are grown on the palm trees in the Amazon rainforest of northern Brazil.

8 Exotic Superfoods to Boost Your Immune System

The name of the game with acai berries is pure antioxidant and nutrient power. They fight leukemia. A well-known study, done by the University of Florida, found that extracts of the acai berry destroyed human cancer cells grown in a lab. More studies are needed to confirm its effects, but this step is definitely in the right direction. They reduce inflammation. They shield your heart against disease.


Vaccines Autism Wheat Gut Antibiotics. Cancer. Grounding EMF Radiation protection. Epidemics. Sunscreen? Heart. Psychiatry. Herbs, water, light, colour, other remedies. Teeth. DNA. Pain. The Lowdown on the Impact Vitamins Make on the Body : Waking Times. Himalayan Crystal Salt Brine Therapy - Jevatee Naturals. 6 Natural Remedies to Avoid Symptoms of Allergies. Religion and Science Agree - Eating Dates is Great for Health. Zang fu theory. 12 Homeopathic Remedies That Should Be in Every Survival Kit. Bonnie Camo, MD, GuestWaking Times In the event of a natural or man-made disaster, you may be cut off from medical aid.

12 Homeopathic Remedies That Should Be in Every Survival Kit

One of the most important things to have on hand will be a homeopathy emergency survival kit. Homeopathy is cheap, effective, and has no side effects. This medical science uses natural substances to stimulate the body to heal itself. Most homeopathic remedies are made from herbs and minerals, and they are based on the principle discovered over 200 years ago in Germany by Dr. Emergency kits and individual remedies are available at health food stores, herb shops, and online. The most useful remedy in your kit will probably be Arnica montana, made from a type of daisy found in the mountainous regions of Europe and the United States, which has been known since ancient times for its ability to heal wounds and injuries quickly.

The Foreskin: Why Is It Such A Secret In North America? Ex Pharmaceutical Executive Shares His Story of Industry Corruption. Acupressure Points for Relieving Allergies. Acupressure Points. Protecting Yourself from Lyme Disease. The Fantastical World Of Hormones BBC DOCUMENTARY HQ. Big Pharma exec turned Whistleblower. Rare Undersea Discovery Could Extend Your Life by 10, 20 or 30 Years. Last Updated: 4/09/2014 08:57 PST. The Basic Science of MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) Sep. 4, 2012. Glutamine. L. J. Devon – What Are Organophosphates ? ( And Why Are They So Deadly?) – 26 September 2013.