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Presentation Tools

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Glogster EDU - 21st century multimedia tool for educators, teachers and students. Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor. Zooming into presentations - Zoomit, Prezi & pptPlex. In this blog post, I describe 3 different ways to zoom in and out of presentations to increase visibility, and to create a bit of action.

Zooming into presentations - Zoomit, Prezi & pptPlex

The three tools are Zoomit, Prezi and pptPlex. I describe my experiences with them in detail and their pros and cons as presentation tools. UPDATE : John in his comments below suggest that I should have included ahead, a even newer tool that in some respects is similar to Prezi , but which he claims is easier to use than Prezi . Beautiful bits – by the prezi design team - Latest.