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Ebook Publishing

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Scrivener: The Ultimate Guide to Exporting Ebooks (Kindle, ePub, etc.) Since I began publishing my books, I’ve been using Scrivener for the writing and editing process.

Scrivener: The Ultimate Guide to Exporting Ebooks (Kindle, ePub, etc.)

If you weren’t aware, I’m a ridiculously-huge fan of Scrivener, and you can read about it more here (by the way, it’s available for Mac and Windows, and through the Mac App store and they offer a free trial as well). The problem I’ve faced with Scrivener is that it gets a little complicated to export for the certain formats I need, like print and e-book. It works exceptionally well, but getting things to look good and also work well with the different formats out there became somewhat of a drawn-out process for me. While the print side of things is going to differ from one author to another, as you know the Kindle is pretty much standardized throughout their line of products. Essentially, you’re looking at a barebones HTML file, sans things like ordered and unordered lists, fancy CSS styling, and such.

First things first: make sure you install Calibre. Ready? 1. 2. 3.

Int'l Questions

Nook Press. Self-publishing is increasingly becoming the norm, instead of the exception, in today’s digital world.

Nook Press

Services like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing and Apple’s Breakout Books make it easy for new authors to publish their books and get plenty of exposure. Now Nook wants in on it, and is using its parent company’s own self-publishing business as the backbone. Nook announced today the launch of Nook Press, a new self-publishing portal for authors that want to get on the Nook store. The service is being built upon the foundation laid by PubIt!

, Barnes & Noble’s self-publishing business. “We’re thrilled to bring all the new and exciting features of Nook Press to existing PubIt! Authors who choose to go with Nook Press can look forward to the following features: Instant Access: The “Quick Start” option lets writers try out the tools before they commit to becoming a vendor, all they need to sign up is an e-mail address. All of that sounds nice, but what about royalties?


Analysis of the Potential Market for Out-of-Print eBooks by Michael Smith, Rahul Telang, Yi Zhang. The growth of the electronic book market has allowed publishers to make many previously out-of-print titles available, cost-effectively, in an electronic format.

Analysis of the Potential Market for Out-of-Print eBooks by Michael Smith, Rahul Telang, Yi Zhang

However, as of January 2012, there were still nearly 2,700,000 out-of-print titles that are unavailable as eBooks. The goal of this paper is to generate estimates of how much producer and consumer surplus could be created by making these out-of-print titles available in eBook markets. To do this, we first collect a unique dataset, comprising a random sample of all out-of-print titles that are and that are not available in eBook markets. We then use Bayesian Propensity Score Matching techniques to match books in these two samples based on their observable characteristics. Using these matched titles, we estimate that making the remaining 2.7 million out-of-print books available as eBooks could create $740 million in revenue and $860 million in consumer surplus in the first year after their debut. How to Publish on Smashwords. Publish your ebook to Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, OverDrive, Flipkart, Oyster, Scribd, Baker & Taylor's Blio and Axis360 (libraries!)

How to Publish on Smashwords

And more Earn 60% of List Price from Major Ebook Retailers and 85% Net at Smashwords Highlights: We make ebook publishing fast, free and easy! World's largest indie ebook distributor Upload your book once and reach multiple retailers. Getting Started is as Easy as 1-2-3: Sign up for your free account. Access These Powerful Publishing Tools from the Smashwords Dashboard: Centralized Metadata Management - This is a huge time saver. How To Make Money on Ebooks. 1.

How To Make Money on Ebooks

Write a damn good book. This should be your main priority. It's also one of the hardest things to do, and the hardest things to judge for yourself if you've done it. The problem is, most writers believe their books are good. Even at our most insecure, we believe complete strangers will enjoy our scribblings enough to pay for the privilege. I recommend joining a writers group and getting feedback. I don't recommend paying for a freelance editor--it's better you learn craft on your own. 2. Three bucks is a more than fair price for a full length digital book. Even with short pieces, make sure they are good enough. 3. A poorly formatted ebook will get bad reviews, and ultimately it WILL NOT SELL. 4. 5. GenreWord countAuthor bioReviews (if applicable)Check out and follow that format for your descriptions.