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70 Must-Have CSS3 and HTML5 Tutorials and Resources. CSS3 and HTML 5 are capable of revolutionizing the way we design websites. Both include so many new features and functions that it can be hard to wrap your head around them at times. The inclusion of native support for things like rounded corners and multi-column layouts are just the tip of the ice berg. Below are seventy resources, tutorials, and articles to get you started with CSS3 and HTML 5. Many of the techniques discussed are already supported to some extent in some some modern web browsers (Safari and Firefox have the most extensive support), so you can get started right away. CSS3 Tutorials and Resources Get Started with CSS 3 – A basic guide to using CSS3. Cascading Style Sheets Current Work – Details the progress the W3C is making on the CSS3 standard. Border-image: Using Images for Your Border – A guide to the new CSS3 function for adding image borders.

Overview of CSS3 Structural Pseudo-Classes – A handy reference chart of structural pseudo-classes in CSS3. HTML 5 Resources. 50 Awesome CSS3 Animations. We have put together a smart collection of cool CSS effects to help you learn the nitty-gritty details so that you can use it to create more beautiful web sites. Enjoy! 1. Swatch Book Tutorial with CSS3 & jQuery [Demo] 2. 3D Thumbnail Hover Effects [Demo] 3. Stunning Menu Tutorial in CSS3 [Demo] 4.

This awesome website consists of more than 100 different CSS effects like 2D transitions, background transitions, icon CSS effects, border transitions, shadow and glow transitions, speech bubble CSS effects, and cool CSS curl effects. 5. You will find more than 50 CSS animation examples on this simple website. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 3D Flipping Circle with CSS3 & jQuery [Demo] 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Use the basic features of CSS3 Transform: rotate. 49. Analogue clock created using webkit transition and transform CSS. 50. 3D Cube That Rotates Using Arrow Keys 51. 52. 53. 54. 1. Using CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation. Selectors Level 3. Abstract Selectors are patterns that match against elements in a tree, and as such form one of several technologies that can be used to select nodes in an XML document.

Selectors have been optimized for use with HTML and XML, and are designed to be usable in performance-critical code. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language for describing the rendering of HTML and XML documents on screen, on paper, in speech, etc. CSS uses Selectors for binding style properties to elements in the document. This document describes the selectors that already exist in CSS1 [CSS1] and CSS2 [CSS21], and further introduces new selectors for CSS3 and other languages that may need them. Selectors define the following function: expression ∗ element → boolean That is, given an element and a selector, this specification defines whether that element matches the selector.

Status of this document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Table of Contents 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. 3. . HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using. In this tutorial, we are going to build a blog page using next-generation techniques from HTML 5 and CSS 3. The tutorial aims to demonstrate how we will be building websites when the specifications are finalized and the browser vendors have implemented them. If you already know HTML and CSS, it should be easy to follow along.

Before we get started, consider using one of our HTML5 Templates or CSS Themes for your next project—that is, if you need a quick and professional solution. Otherwise, it's time to dig into these techniques. HTML 5 is the next major version of HTML. Before we begin marking up the page we should get the overall structure straight: In HTML 5 there are specific tags meant for marking up the header, navigation, sidebar and footer. It still looks like HTML markup, but there are a few things to note: In HTML 5, there is only one doctype. Instead of using divs to contain different sections of the page we are now using appropriate, semantic tags.

"What?! That's all! 70 Must-Have CSS3 and HTML5 Tutorials and Resources | Web Resour. CSS3 Previews - Borders. CSS3 takes borders to a new level with the ability to use gradients, rounded corners, shadows and border images. Mozila, Firefox and Safari 3 have implemented this function, which allows you to create round corners on box-items.Update: Now works in Internet Explorer from version 9.0 Example 1 - Rounded Borders background-color: #DAE8EC;border-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius: 10px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px;border: 2px solid #B8CB99;padding: 10px; Example This is an example of a box with rounded corners.

Example 2 - Rounded Borders (Specific Corners) background-color: #DAE8EC;border-top-left-radius: 10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 10px;-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px;-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;border: 2px solid #B8CB99;padding: 10px; This is an example of a box with rounded top left and bottom right corners. You can use the following properties for Mozilla-Firefox / Safari Example 3 - Gradient Borders.