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Goteo. News Devolver valor a la sociedad más allá del crowdfunding. El Mundo See more Goteo elected NGO of the year. Democratic Citizenship Awards See more Co-creation workshops with open DNA See more Crowdfunding para la salud. Menu By category, location or benefit,find the project that you identify with the most. Most popular In progress! Social, Ecological Festival Alternatiba Lille By: Alternatiba Lille On October 2013, Alternatiba Bayonne successfully launched the beginning of the mobilisation and... Co-financing 2Round Received Optimum Minimum Received Remaining 16 days Co-financiers Benefits Social, Cultural By: ESPACIO TANGENTE La Coordinadora por la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica de Burgos quiere, en atención... 28 days Now 4 the optimum Technological, Diseño Manual de Supervivencia Maker By: MakeSpace Madrid Makespace Madrid ( is a physical space where we work with digital... 1Round 3 days In progress!

Social, Communications Nuevo disco Copyleft: "Relaxing Cup of Patá... Untitled. Mass to Mass - Ensemble pour se faire entendre. ZIOUM - le message, c'est vous. KissKissBankBank.