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Food bill and issues

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Nationals new term. The news declared that the National Party had had a 'historic' election victory on Saturday but, if that was true, National Party people would be looking happier.

Nationals new term

The reality is much more complicated Here's the bullet-point version, to begin: That's the summary. If you’d like the long version, read on. Looking more closely, the most important issue is long-term trends in public opinion. Key is not naturally centrist, as seen in his public statements earlier in his political career. However the important point here is that National knows that its core policies and beliefs are not in accord with a growing majority of New Zealanders. For instance, National's main policy and strategy adviser, Peter Keenan, wrote: "I am a core supporter but if Don said all the things I personally like to hear, Don would be unelectable". It is the same today, where National and Key constantly need to woo a large section of the public who do not share the party's core beliefs and goals.

Remember 2008? Oppose Fluoridation of Water Supplies in New Zealand - Petition Online - New Zealand. Council on Foreign Relations. Centre for Research on Globalization. Oppose the New Zealand Government Food Bill 160-2 - Petition Online - New Zealand. » New food bill in New Zealand takes away human right to grow food Alex Jones. InvestmentWatch November 23, 2011 I was shocked to learn from a friend on the weekend that a new Food Bill is being brought in here in New Zealand.

» New food bill in New Zealand takes away human right to grow food Alex Jones

The new bill will make it a privilege and not a right to grow food. I find two aspects of this bill alarming. The first is the scope and impact the new bill has, and secondly that it has all happened so quietly. There has been VERY little media coverage, on a bill which promises to jeopardise the future food security of the country. I read that the bill is being brought in because of the WTO, which of course has the US FDA behind it, and of course that is influenced by big business (Monsanto and other players). Here are some snippets: - It turns a human right (to grow food and share it) into a government-authorised privilege that can be summarily revoked. - By controlling seeds, the bill takes the power to grow food away from the public and puts it in the hands of seed companies. This article was posted: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 at 11:01 am. New food bill in New Zealand takes away human right to grow food - Page 2. Depends on your definition of 'mutant'...

New food bill in New Zealand takes away human right to grow food - Page 2

DNA can be hacked to create infertilityDNA can be hacked to create disease and anyone who is sick is generally tired and not thinking straight.A mutation may not even be able to be seen by the naked eye We have been prepared for mutants through videos, they show us it is a good thing... A video on YT appears to disclose a 'god' gene, the vmat2. seems the pentagone have invested in ways to get rid of effects of this gene....aka mutation. Well, on to the rest. This bill in NZ does NOT outlaw the growing of restricts licenses it....bringing in the law, bringing in rules... A safe food supply!? What is unsafe about picking an apple or a strawberry?

No need for regulating that process. You have been conditioned by these outbreaks of e. coli, and of salmanela to be afraid of your food and of it's source. Silly people. The e.coli that can't be washed off is bio-engineered. The salmenela in the eggs in america was artificial as well. New food bill in New Zealand takes away human right to grow food : news. New food bill in New Zealand takes away human right to grow food - Ecobob Forums. Urban Pantry. Growers needed for a harvest feast It’s the earliest days of spring and harvest season seems far off, but we’re already working on a pretty special harvest feast.

Urban Pantry

We’ve already got our menu designed and now we need to start growing the ingredients. That’s where you come in. Right now we need people to raise seedlings for our growers to plant out later in spring so they’ll be ready for harvest in March next year. Raising seedlings will earn you a special ticket to the feast. Trust us, it’s going to be worth it. This crowd-sourced feast will officially launch at Labour Weekend, and we’re not giving away anything more until then. How it works When you sign up, we’ll send you some seeds and instructions.You supply the growing environment and the TLC. Sign up! Spring Workshops: Gardening for Small Spaces Keen to get started growing your own this Spring but don’t have a backyard? Starting Thursday 5 September6.00 – 7.30pmPioneer Women’s Hall, Freyberg Square, Auckland CBD What do you think?