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To Catch a Sociopath. I’ve resisted doing a couple of things in public for a while.

To Catch a Sociopath

The first of which is talking about my own struggles with emotionally abusive partners. And the second of which is being open in writing about my relationship with the leather community. I’m doing a little bit of both of those things here. Of course, it takes seeing my friends dealing with a problem in order to spur me into action. So there’s this guy, Wes Fenza. Atlanta Poly Weekend, March 15-17 2013. Posted by shaunphilly in Polyamory.

Atlanta Poly Weekend, March 15-17 2013

Tags: #APW2013, Atlanta, polyamory, relationships, St. Patrick's Day trackback As many readers may know, I lived in Atlanta for a little while a couple of years back. It was where I met Ginny! Polyamory.


Relationship reddits. Polyamory/Non-Monogamy. Polyamory. Polyamory Blogs.