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Find and compare Twitter lists, and other great Twitter list tools

TLists - Search. Curate. Join. Comcast ON DEMAND vs. Netflix. I just got an email from Comcast, Fancast Xfinity tv, showing me what's available.

Comcast ON DEMAND vs. Netflix

Nice selection, BUT, Comcast won't allow me to view ON DEMAND via my TiVo. I was enjoying Comcast ON DEMAND, but then I started downloading movies from to my TiVo. That worked great. Then came Netflix. The Do's and Don'ts of Using Social Media for Business. 100 Online Tools For Entrepreneurs. Technology monitor: Watching your health.

Twitter Helps Ex-Homeless Executive Jim Kennedy Find Job. To Hyderabad and Back: A Student Journalist's Hard Lessons in India. Six months ago I had no idea how to hail a rickshaw, when to eat curry with my hands, or that a 2-rupee coin is engraved with a peace sign.

To Hyderabad and Back: A Student Journalist's Hard Lessons in India

I didn't know that every Indian state speaks its own language, and I certainly didn't know anything about Indian politics, education, or culture. I went to India for a four-month study abroad program in Hyderabad (a city of 6 million in the heart of South India) to study sociology and culture, both in and out of the classroom. As a journalism major, I also wanted to improve my writing and reporting skills, but I had no idea that I would have a chance to cover the complex Telangana controversy threatening to split Hyderabad's state of Andhra Pradesh in two (separatists claim that Telangana has been exploited in terms of natural resources, funding and representation in government since Andhra and Telangana merged to form Andhra Pradesh in 1956). Mobility To Lead Health IT Innovation. Government stimulus funds will help, but not quickly cure, the lag in health IT adoption caused by years of failure to invest in new technology.

Mobility To Lead Health IT Innovation

The federal government's stimulus investment in healthcare IT is not a panacea, primarily because during the last decade the healthcare industry failed to invest in technology innovation. E-Commerce Report: Facebook and Twitter Users Make It Rain. InShare13 If you want to get a glimpse of the economic future, focus on the emerging trends driven by those defining the evolution of the social Web.

E-Commerce Report: Facebook and Twitter Users Make It Rain

Social media is not only democratizing influence and upsetting the traditional media ecosystem, it is now an indicator for a potential economic resurgence. Leading metrics firm, comScore, released its Q1 U.S E-Commerce Spending Report recently, finding that online retail spending approached $34 billion in Q1 2010, which represents a 10 percent boost compared to last year. The surge also symbolizes the first time that growth rates hit double-digits since the second quarter of 2008.

How Twitter Annotations Could Bring the Real-Time and Semantic Web Together. Just because the new iPhone arrived in stores today doesn't mean the rest of the technology world shut down.

How Twitter Annotations Could Bring the Real-Time and Semantic Web Together

In fact, today in San Francisco the 2010 Semantic Technology Conference continued its week-long series of talks and sessions about the semantic Web - the ability to understand and intelligently interpret content from the Web. A fascinating example of how the semantic Web is colliding with the real-time Web is through Twitter and the impending release of annotations - and Ph.D student Joshua Shinavier provided some fascinating semantic scenarios for their use. Twitter posts already contain plenty of metadata that allows for smart filtering and organization, including date and location. Video Player. Twitter Growth: Happening All Over The Globe (Graphs) Twitter Profile and Bio Search. LinkedIn Tops 70 Million Users; Includes Over One Million Company Profiles. Professional social network LinkedIn now has 70 million members, according to the company’s home page.

LinkedIn Tops 70 Million Users; Includes Over One Million Company Profiles

The company hit 60 million users in February, and has been growing fast, especially in international markets. LinkedIn’s network’s CEO, Jeff Weiner, stated in a blog post last fall that half of LinkedIn’s membership is international. Managing Your Time While Managing Your Social Media. Thanks to Katie Mercado, I had the opportunity to give a presentation on time management and social media at today’s 33rd Annual PRSA Maryland Chesapeake Conference. I was actually a little surprised when Katie approached as I feel like there’s so much more that I could be doing, more that I could be reading, and more people that I could be meeting. 11 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Popular Google Products. Think about all the tools you use each day to do your job.

11 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Popular Google Products

Chances are, more than one of them are made by Google. Google puts out great products that help us perform our daily tasks. Whether it be email, creating docs, or communicating with clients and colleagues, there seems to be a Google service for just about everything. But just like other tools and applications there are lots of features, which means more stuff to remember. WATCH: Autistic Student Eric Duquette Amazes Audience With Graduation Speech. The parents of Rhode Island high school student Eric Duquette were told their son would end up in an institution.

WATCH: Autistic Student Eric Duquette Amazes Audience With Graduation Speech

Instead, Duquette went on to become salutatorian of his high school class -- and was accepted at every college to which he applied, ABC News reports. Duquette was diagnosed with autism at an early age and didn't talk until he was five. His mother worked with him to learn to talk, even teaching him sign language. Today, Duquette speaks English and Spanish. 10 Twitter Apps for Nonprofits « Nonprofit Tech 2.0. An online database of Twitter Apps called oneforty currently lists almost 2,900 third-party Twitter Apps.

10 Twitter Apps for Nonprofits « Nonprofit Tech 2.0

While some nonprofits have been early adopters of Twitter Apps, the vast majority are not. They may not even know the tools exist. Foursquare Begins Testing An “Add To Foursquare” Button With WSJ. One surefire way to know that a service is doing well is when you see their buttons start appearing all over the web. We’ve seen it with Facebook, we’ve seen it with Twitter (Tweetmeme buttons), and now we’re going to start seeing it with Foursquare. To be clear, the “Add to Foursquare” buttons aren’t designed to be as ubiquitous as some of the other sharing buttons around the web. Instead, this button allows content providers to give readers one-click access to add venues to their Foursquare to-do list. Female Internet Entrepreneurs - Galleries. Q&A: The Impact of Social Media in the Enterprise. Ford Case Study: Using Mobile Advertising on Idle-Screens to Drive Purchase Intent - The eMarketer Blog. Via mobile phones and devices to help drive interest in its 2010 Taurus.

From September through November 2009, the idle-screen ad racked up an enviable 20% average click-through rate. Working with Mobile Posse Inc. , a provider of mobile marketing services, Ford increased purchase consideration and referred consumers to the Taurus mobile Web site, where they could view product videos, find a dealer and receive more information. We recently spoke with , who manages digital media planning and budgets at Ford, about the underpinnings of the idle-screen strategy. Here’s a snippet from the full interview on eMarketer Total Access. How does idle-screen advertising work on a mobile device, and why chose this mobile medium to launch the Taurus SHO? At certain points in a consumer’s use of the phone, an idle ad would appear on their screen. Facebook and Google Submit Comments on Privacy Bill - ClickZ. Kate Kaye | June 11, 2010 | 2 Comments. Motorola, RIM settle long-running patent dispute. Bringing Comparison Shopping to the Doctor’s Office.

2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa: The Ultimate Guide To Digital Delight. Today’s the big day. TechCrunch turns five years old. Gulf Oil Spill Drowning Tea Party. We Love The World Cup: Where To Watch. Develop The Game, Build A Better Future. Twitter Starts Teaching You How To Tweet With Videos. LinkedIn for Nonprofits-The Fastest Way To Connect & Cultivate Donors. Argonaut Planet. Using Twitter to Grow Your Business - Syndicating Brian Solis. More Validity to Social Business Intelligence: Crowdcast Raises $6 Million. Crowdcast has raised $6 million from Menlo Ventures in a deal that bodes well for a new generation of companies with crowdsourcing and business intelligence offerings. Crowdcast is also receiving a follow on investment form Alsop-Louie Partners. The funding will support expanded sales and marketing efforts.

Committee passes bill aimed at curbing driving distracted by phones and texting - The Hill's Hillicon Valley. The Senate Commerce Committee approved a bipartisan bill Wednesday that would encourage states to prohibit drivers from talking on their cell phones or text messaging while driving. 11 ways to promote your Facebook Page outside Facebook. Unsure how to vote in California primary election, many turn to Twitter. 195 Social Media Measurement Tools & Technologies.

RT @tamar: a list of 195 social media tools by @TJMcCue - - complements my Twitter tool list #pr. Mobile Shopping Outlook Stronger for 2010 : MarketingProfs. Most online consumers (53%) now own a smartphone or Web-enabled mobile device, and among them 35% say they participated in some type of mobile shopping in the previous 12 months, such as comparing products and prices, up from 17% who said so a year earlier, according to a survey from PriceGrabber.

Charity Navigator - Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Social Networking Ranks as Fastest-Growing Mobile Content Category. June 2, 2010. Chevy Case Study: Using Mobile, Location and QR Codes to Inspire Brand Engagement - The eMarketer Blog. The Elevator Speech Wow Factor. Senator Schumer Proposes Call Center Tax.