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Technology for Writers

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Word Frequency Counter. Free Online Novel Writing Software - Hiveword. Using Mind Maps For Creating Novels | No Wasted Ink. Take a word. Place that word in the center of a sheet of paper and circle it. Let the word tease your brain. Allow related ideas, words or concepts to be inspired by this word. Write down those new ideas around the word. When I’m first beginning a novel’s outline, I like to use mind maps to help generate characters and plot points. Overall Plot Mind Map Start with a central Node, the title of your book. Next I generate mind maps for each of the points that I come up with in the hubs.

Character Generation Mind Map Write the name of your character in the center of a sheet of paper. Plot Generation Mind Map Think of an moment in time that will happen in your novel. I am a paper person and write my mind maps in a composition notebook with my fountain pens. I have included a review of five of the the mind mapping software programs below. Freemind This was the first mind map program that I used when I started creating the maps.

Xmind I love the visual maps that this program creates. MindMeister. Steven Hall: My desktop. The calmer and more well-ordered my desktop is, the more I can convince myself I'm on top of things. When I feel like I'm on top of things (even if I'm not) it's much easier to work. My big problem is that I can never predict how long a piece of work is going to take, so I just have to keep going and keep going until – sooner or later – it's done. A fairly minimal desktop layout helps me focus on one thing at a time. At least, that's the idea. I took this photo on holiday last year. I almost always work straight onto the computer. "Winter early edited 3" is part of my new novel. The photo of the tattoo isn't mine, it's a Ludovician shark tattoo that someone posted on Twitter.

When I first moved to London, I went into a hairdresser and asked for a haircut like Don Draper's. Twitter is incredibly useful. Writers' desktops.
